Welcome to the third annual autocorrection game!
The rules are very simple and very fun.
1) you'll need a autocorrection like SwiftKey something that remembers what you've typed.
2) you'll need to click on the first one or three autocorrection you can pick from.
3) do this until you've clicked on the Autocorrection 35 times. (you can do less or more ;] )
4) You can also start with one word you type and start from there.
5) I'll rate it 1/10 .
6) I can pick helpers to help rate it.
Hopefully people understand the game I'm gonna make some screenshot to make it more clear.
(note sometimes you can be stuck with the same two or multiple words, pick a different one from the Autocorrection section.)
[u][i][b]Now that I know this post is or was a success I will pick a winner for today and continue tomorrow morning or afternoon. Ones below says ×offline× it has been paused and a winner has been chosen and his name will be on my post for a glorious eternity unless someone wants to defeat the champ then say #NewChampion[/b][/i][/u]
Rater list (helpers wanted)
1. Skimpy
2. Zebruhzzz
3. OOO
[u]did anyone realise this is one of the first salt free post in a long time? [/u]
1. [u][i][b]FATAL MANIAC : CONGRATS[/b][/i][/u]! The others had the same but you win after some hard choices...
2.[u][i][b]BIV WON!! [/b][/i][/u] just like fatal maniac he wins and will forever stand here glorious with his potatoes.
3. [u][i][b]Ookshmook383141 IS DA NEW CHAMPION![/b][/i][/u]See what I did with da I make it sound as The no one?
~§× OFFLINE ק~ +%helpers are offline%+
So when it's offline I will not rate anything but be sure to give me some feedback or tell me something good about this post ^^
(challenge mode is not activated yet it will be a second way of winning the contest. it's very simple just make two one of what it should be in this game normally and one about the future challenge! the winner will get 1 point extra to their original post :3)
This is the most salt less post in whole of destiny ;)
It is reopened for 24 hours from now it's 12:00 ;)
Shaving he tents data hwavkrq. Tanya
Bundy's kick offers suggest overhung bungs king observed Irish kitchen jives judged by Gmail send engaging content buffered think
The only thing that I don't know how to make the best way for me to get the chance of winning this is a good one for the next two weeks ago I hate you
I am rank of the castle! I have a look at the moment, but I think I will be in the UK, and I will be in a bit like to be able.
The first one of my favorite of the day before I leave on Sunday the time of day tomorrow but will try and make it work with your family is in my life with the other hand the same thing with you on this forum you can do you want me a copy for the next day and time to time but it will not work with your family is in my life...
Can I be helper?!
I love you so much fun and addicting but it is a great day to be a good day to be a little bit of a new one is the best thing
The fact I can be used for this one was injured in the morning to all of them in my head hurts and I'm still not sure what I was a great way of saying it is not an easy way to go back and I don't think that is not an easy way to go back
Bramd - old
Diffusivity haycock officiating Hancock bodysuit officially is SK focusing Haggai Philemon Pokemon diffusivity -
The best thing about this one was a great way to go to bed and I have a nice person and I have to be a good day to be a good time to get a
Thanks buddy a big a weekly basis a ps4 a weekly basis you go in my idea a ps4 a weekly your fireteam a weekly et more a ps4 a big a ps4 a weekly a big
The fact that I can see you at all is a great way to keep up with my plans for a few years and I have no idea what I'm talking about.
The fact I have a nice person and a lot of people who are you doing it wrong to be a little more than a week and I'm still not working out and I don't think I might have been killed and more of an eye on my phone.
I am a beautiful day. I am a beautiful day. I will be able to get a chance to win the game. The only thing that I am a beautiful person who is a good idea to get a free shopping resource. WTF?
My potatoes are glorious
Bump for luck 🍀
I am a beautiful person. I have a great day. I have a great day. I have a great day. I have a great day. I am 50's the same. the only way I can do it! I just want a good day or two of you . . I have a great time to explain quest to find a girl. she is the most part, I have not been able to get a ride on a new job
I'm off to a new phone, and it feels more than one year. the first place, and it's a similar way. the first place, and it's a similar way.
The fact I can get it right away with a lot more fun and addicting but you don't know how much I love my new favorite thing to do that in my head hurts so bad This is so funny to do to people
T shirt and the armor would have been saying this game is not as external internet explorer to the movies and it was still insanely difficult time for the most important part of your ammo purse.
I don't know if you are active please send to 15 other people so your account wont be deleted without hesitation to make more space for the 13th Amendment to get the ship if they are real but let's give it a little bit about what is going to happen to Facebook on the meatpackers.
The best thing ever is when he said that he had been on my mind and heart disease in my head hurts so bad but it is so cute when I get my money back in a row.
I love you so much fun and addicting but it is a great day to be a good day to be a little bit of a new one is a great day to be a good day to be a great way of the year and the rest of the year and the rest of the day before my eyes out and about to go back and the watch list for me but I'm so tired and my friends to the game with the best way for me but I'm so tired and my dad just said that the government has been a good one.
The the Giant to do so I am not a good time in a new one is the only one of our customers to the team at a later stage and the other day that you are looking to get a chance of a sudden death or the information you give to you and I think it should also a great day and the other day that you are looking to get a new car.
Eli matte. The names bucket. [spoiler]ello mate. The name's buckey.[/spoiler]