Actually..... It's working as its intended. IB only has a max of 6 bullets which is = to x amount of bullets for whatever sniper you're switching to. You have to think of it as an even trade value. IB bullets regenerate which makes it more valuable than 1 bullet from a 1000 yard stare. This is the same principle with currency exchange or athletes getting traded. You're not going to trade LeBron James for Jeremy Lin and call it an even trade would you?
You're right, but slightly off i think. 1 lesser powered bullet should equal 3 in someone's maxed 1kys
Using a game mechanic as a workaround to a Bungie implemented mechanic is exploitation.
Exploiting a mechanic sure... But it's sure isn't cheating.
So the unlimited shadowshot wasn't cheating? It exploited the game. Or the hammer glitch where you could throw 50 hammers?
You don't know how to compare nor differentiate between and exploit and a cheat. Those 2 you mentioned was not intended for Bungie to work like that. Switching weapons and keeping your ammo is.
Regardless of wether it's cheap or not, it is an exploit.