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[i]It is late at night and everyone but the sweeper bots are asleep[/i]
[i]Cayde is talking to Amanda Holiday[/i]
Cayde: Oh come on! What could a simple field trip to the cosmodrome hurt?
Amanda: Cayde! Your not just going to take a "Simple field trip to the cosmodrome"!
Cayde: And now why would you say that?
Amanda: Because last time you took a "simple field trip" we had to send Zavala and Ikora to hunt you down!
Cayde: But I'll come back this time!
Amanda: No Cayde! I'm sorry but you're not going to persuade me into letting you leave!
Cayde: Come on!
Amanda: No!
Cayde: Please!
Amanda: NO CAYDE!
Cayde: Alright fine!
[i]Cayde walks a way[/i]
Amanda: Finally I can get some sleep!
[i]Amanda hears whispering in the background[/i]
[i]Looks over to see Cayde talking to the Dead Orbit leader[/i]
Cayde: [i]Damnit[/i] But this isn't you!
Amanda: Yeah, but I have to authorize all leaders who lave and give there ships a inspection first. So still no!
[i]Zavala walks into the hanger[/i]
Zavala: What's all this noise
Cayde: Oh, nothing.
Zavala: Oh really, Amanda what was really happening in here?
Amanda: Cayde was trying to bribe me into letting him take another "simple field trip to the cosmodrome".
Zavala: [i]With a harsh tone[/i] Cayde, what have we talked about?!
Cayde: No unauthorized missions assigned to guardians.
Zavala: And?
Cayde: No leaving the tower unless accompanied by another vanguard leader.
Zavala: Your missing something.
Cayde: [i]Roles his eyes[/i] The vanguard leader must also be awake and not knocked unconscious.
Amanda: [i]Snickers[/i]
Cayde: What's so funny Amanda?
Amanda: Oh I don't know, maybe because the fact that in the rules they have for you it states that they can't be subdued.
Zavala: Now Cayde, people are trying to sleep how about you try that to.
Cayde: But-
Zavala: No buts Cayde, just do it.
Cayde: Fine.
Keep at these i love them