Geth Infiltrator was the best at the time. Still is.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 2/18/2016 2:12:21 AMBut N7 Slayer is my favorite. Or Krogan Warlord. I remember when the Beta Krogan Soldier was OP with its 1 hit melee.
I never unlocked the Warlord. N7 Demolisher was fun as well!
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 2/18/2016 2:16:28 AMAnd I never unlocked the Destroyer. I got the Geth Infiltrator and N7 Captain America 5x I swear. The N7 shadow is cool but I can be that in Destiny as a bladedancer with bolt-caster. I secretly pretend I'm using Biotics during Nova Bomb.
LMAO SAME. I miss doing my biotic combos. OH and the Titan's Ward of Dawn reminds me so much of the Asari's warp bubble. Memories.
Edited by Legend of Jordy: 2/18/2016 2:23:52 AMStasis + Push combo all day on the Asari Adept. Dang it, I miss that game already. Too bad it's RNG was worse than Destiny's. Spend 1h30m grinding for another Krogan Sentinel and Claymore upgrade.