I am unsure if [i]"Off-topic"[/i] is a community or just a forum site to rant and troll? :/
So [i]WHO[/i] is the nicest person on Off-Topic?
There is no indication of anyone with that title or am I over speculating and that there is no one by that title, and that Off-Topic is just a forum site full of random topics? :/
Either SodaFett or Frank n Beanz
Probably sarahtheitalian. Always has something nice to say
Honestly, it's been ages since I've actually looked through the flood. I wouldn't really know, but I do know for a fact that I'm probably not seen as nice. I am generally a nice person, but get me in a debate or say something stupid and I can get mad and rant at times lol If anyone ever saw them, I usually made anti-feminist spoofs of feminist posts on the flood by Anomaly or this "Kitty" girl who I forget her full "name" or whatever
-blam!- you
\0/ Praise the sun, brother
SaraTheItalian 100% no doubts
None of you people -.-
Do people find me nice?
Well I'll say this, anyone who needs to talk about anything, bad relationship, pet died, etc. your welcome till to pm me. I'm there to talk
Mad max.
Navy Seal.
Edited by Booty is bay: 2/13/2016 8:57:12 AMI haven't seen my name yet.... I'm Used to it *kicks can*
A forklift? [i]Drives off into the sunset, treads kicking up dirt behind him.[/i]
I personally vote me because I'm OG -blam!- lord and all u FÜCKBOYs can PISS OFF
That Azza guy was cool
Nutella!! No wait umm (I messed up need a minute)
Bramd - old
I would like to be, but I was bant twice -
I vote Auryx. Only because he has that sweet ass fedora.
I thank you for the nomination
Edited by Neon Forklift: 2/18/2016 1:42:07 AMObviously me
Lincoln and all his alts