I am unsure if [i]"Off-topic"[/i] is a community or just a forum site to rant and troll? :/
So [i]WHO[/i] is the nicest person on Off-Topic?
There is no indication of anyone with that title or am I over speculating and that there is no one by that title, and that Off-Topic is just a forum site full of random topics? :/
Heeeeeeello. [spoiler]goodbye[/spoiler]
I don't know, I've been away from Offtopic for a while.
I'm pretty mean, actually.
Not me
Habilis and Red Spade
[b] [/b]
Red spade, SaraTheItalian, TJG, comrade photon and tx ginger Just to name a few
Me of course. Anyone who says otherwise meant to say me.
Not you...
Bramd - old
Sometimes I think me. Then a wild desticle appears. Saratheitalian or red spade -
RH, Forum Therapist, SaraTheItialian and a few others who currently elude my memory.
Lol, been looking at this post and seeing a lot of Etheric Peace. I laugh at them saying that though because they have no idea what he really did. They had no idea of his dark side and the actions he committed in the past.
Red spade fam
All I know is that it's not me. xD
I'm nice I'm cooler than I am nice though
I'm commie hating racist, so not me
Edited by PowerPoint2020: 2/22/2016 12:46:45 AMI like to think I am lol :p [spoiler]not in a selfish way though hehe[/spoiler]
Edited by savage coco: 2/21/2016 11:04:57 PMDTL for sure. She's always helpful to newbies. Also I don't care if they no longer visit the forum, but smiggle was an amazing person. Like DTL she helped out lots of people & was always sweet. I miss her :(
Red Spade probably, but SaratheItalian is so fake.
Actual nice people? Probably no one that's really known. People who act fake? A few.
Not me.