I am unsure if [i]"Off-topic"[/i] is a community or just a forum site to rant and troll? :/
So [i]WHO[/i] is the nicest person on Off-Topic?
There is no indication of anyone with that title or am I over speculating and that there is no one by that title, and that Off-Topic is just a forum site full of random topics? :/
Necro bumped
Saratheitalian is still the nicest person on here
Me, OddBall, SaraTheItalian, and couple others I met
SaratheCatfishing catfish! http://imgur.com/gallery/O9KFtx9
[i] *puts on an antic disposition* [/i] This thread isn't the only thing I'm necrobumping tonight. [spoiler] . ͜ . [/spoiler]
Numa Numa, has to be.
Bump :D
Why would I praise someone in a filthy society filled with filthy humans
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/]This person[/url] is prob one of the nicest ^_^
Edited by Jacks0n0429: 2/29/2016 3:41:10 PMSaraTheItalian. [spoiler]'Nuff said.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Someone say me Someone say me Someone say me -
Lincoln's hairline. Not Lincoln himself, but his hairline.
It's definitely not that [i]ARegularOnlineID[/i] kid, he's a bit of an asshole.
I am, and anyone who disagrees is a complete waste of life.
Edited by SaraTheItalian: 2/28/2016 3:11:44 AMAww there are so many nice people here, (despite all the hate) and it's gonna be so hard to pick the NICEST one I'm gonna have to come back with a list, they deserve to be mentioned :) Edit: the list is still being made! I meet really nice people everyday ^-^
Do y'all think I'm nice?
navy seal obviously.
Not on Offtopic or B.net long enough to say, so I dont know really!
You are all filthy peasants! Now to your leader
I mean... I [i]can[/i] be quite charming. It's just that it's a lot funner to be blunt with people and shit on their dreams sometimes.