Edit: I made a normal poll to see opinion of community. Totally forgot about how many 12 year old salty turds exist here. Without reading anything, they are telling me go to year 1 and other crap.
I am year 1. I have 2300+ hours in game. Have 7000 kills with thorn in year 1.
All of you turds who are telling me how it was op, this poll is not saying what was op year 1 or year 2.
Compare thorn in year 2 with other exotic weapons like red death, suros, boolean gemini.
Why I think thorn is op.
3 shot body shot with fastest fire rate hand cannon. Which usually is 4-5
Tracks enemy.
Stop recovery for 7 effing seconds
All of you who are telling me you can counter it, for sure you can counter it. Problem is, most probably it will still kill you if other person is even half decent.
Please post your honest opinion. Now by honest I mean honest.
If you use it and like it, it's good but that won't change the fact that it's not op.
Happy hunting guardians
I don't get why you have to make such a post. Simple just compare it with it's pre nerf version and your answer is right there.
I think it would just need a little tweak on its stats, they are way too good, maybe down the magazine a little and slower reload speed, kinda how it used to be on vanilla. I'd love to ser thorn being competitive, not being nerfed to the ground like some Other Hand cannons in a way their legendary version is better *cough* Hawkmoon *cough*
Unpopular opinion - I find - that it is not op. There are many other things in this game that's burning you and adding a gun to that just doesn't make that much of a difference for me. I would say the current light level of it also argues it don't need further nerf.
Last word > All
It needs a way for me to cancel out poison.
Unless I stand there and let them shoot me it isn't all too deadly. I can take a hit and still live. Dodging the shots isn't hard. Just keep moving. Btw, still don't have a thorn so this is entirely from the receiver perspective.
Thorn was OP Y1, but it's an okay weapon now. There is nothing that makes it OP or UP (Under Powered.) it's fine just the way it is now.
Fastest fire rate for a hand cannon?? I'd disagree.
I don't know if it's OP...it's a little broken but that's Bungies fault. Damage Over Time makes the gun easy mode. I can't bring myself to use it again.
Just be happy that it cant two shot anymore
In my opinion, Thorn is no more dangerous than any other primary. If it's a 1v1 gun fight, it can be won 8/10 times by a non-Thorn user. If you're getting team-shot by 2 or more Thorns, then yeah, you're going down, but that's no different than being team-shot by any other primary or combination of primaries. All the Thorn drama is redundant.
Edited by Amaan32: 2/12/2016 2:53:52 PMJust stop the burn from stacking so it doesnt kill in 3 body shots. Thats all it needs
I personally think the thorn is fine where it's at. I think the other exotic handcannons must get a slight buff (more accuracy while moderately pulling the trigger)order to be on par with TLW and Thorn.
It's balanced just the hand cannon buff made it really good
It shouldn't stack with Sunsinger burn. One firebolt with viking funeral and touch of flame will kill with one body shot. Just a tad aggravating
This post is invalid. Fastest rate of fire hand cannon? Vanguard hand cannon has exact same rate of fire m8
It's been nerfed already...
TLW and Hawkmoon are better.
Wait...Thorn is a thing again? Maybe I should start playing again.
DoT procs on precision hits. Thorn never gets bitched about again.
It was already nerfed! Its weak in a mode with level advantages like banner or trials but a moderate gun in crucible or crimson. I use thorn and get killed by thorn. It's fine. I see some players counter it with red death.
If you disagree your a yr 2 noob and didn't play with thorn for 9 MONTHS
I'd take that sumbitch out of the game
In my opinion it needs a very slight nerf other than that its just annoying and not fun to play against.
[quote]Edit: I made a normal poll to see opinion of community. Totally forgot about how many 12 year old salty turds exist here. Without reading anything, they are telling me go to year 1 and other crap. I am year 1. I have 2300+ hours in game. Have 7000 kills with thorn in year 1. All of you turds who are telling me how it was op, this poll is not saying what was op year 1 or year 2. Compare thorn in year 2 with other exotic weapons like red death, suros, boolean gemini. Why I think thorn is op. 3 shot body shot with fastest fire rate hand cannon. Which usually is 4-5 Tracks enemy. Stop recovery for 7 effing seconds All of you who are telling me you can counter it, for sure you can counter it. Problem is, most probably it will still kill you if other person is even half decent. Please post your honest opinion. Now by honest I mean honest. If you use it and like it, it's good but that won't change the fact that it's not op. Thanks Happy hunting guardians[/quote] Guessing someone is not a yeah one player, as it was already op, now it fine just don't hit more than 3 times and your fine, two hits hide and carry on the fight.
OP? No Annoying? yes Having that green stuff of your screen for like 5 seconds and being almost completely engaged from a fight for over 10 seconds can get annoying but it's not an OP gun