The Army Of Prose Alliance of Clans, Recruiting for PS4/PS3/XB1/XB360
We're looking for additional guardians looking for a social and active clan. All my clans are monitored and run by dedicated players, helping our members get involved in clan events and setting up weekly raids for players of all skill and light level to play.
We have dedicated admins for raiding, for pvp events, for clan wars (more on this later) and community admins to help those out in the groupme chat (only applicable for clan membership groups).
Please look at the options available before deciding which one(s) are applicable for you to sign up to. We have dedicated clans for each console and age ranges, as well as a general group for those not wanting to get tied up with clan politics and requirements.
For those wanting clan membership, please note that all my 18+ clans require prospective members to sign up to our groupme (app) chat, as well as adding all the admins for that clan. We are only after people wanting to be socially engaged within a community of like minded destiny fans. There are no skill or light level requirements.
All clans take part in events to compete against each other as well as other clans. We will also be phasing in set challenges within each clan where the members can post a screenshot of their best score for whatever the challenge entails. Titles and icons are given out to members in our groupme chat to wear with pride.
[b]Army Of Prose[/b] (All formats and ages)
For those wanting to join a universal group, either as an additional place to find new members to play with, because they don't want to get tied up with a clan, or because you're already in a clan! Then this is the group to join up with to use for your LFG needs. There is no clan membership option, no admins to enforce strict rules and no restrictions on who joins.
For those wanting to join a clan please look at my other options below.
[b]Alliterate Soldiers[/b] (PS4 18+)
The oldest clan in the alliance, and one I participate in regularly. Alliterate Soldiers was set up after meeting two other random people during the beta testing phase on PS3. The one common link between the three of us was the alliteration in our names, hence where the name came from. We all made a pact to buy a PS4 and make a clan together. Over the year this clan has grown and grown and evolved into what it is today, and the foundation of which all my other clans are based.
Expect lots of friendly banter between members, as a lot of our members have been around for several months to a year, and have formed a communial bond with each other.
[i]Clan Tags - AlSo, AlS2[/i]
[b]Assonant Soldiers[/b] (PS3 18+)
Set up in November, this group proved there are a lot of PS3 users still out there, quickly reaching over 100 clan members within 6 weeks. This clan is a very social his, much like it's PS4 counterpart clan, and has a strong team of admins helping to keep the clan an engaging friendly and active hub!
[i]Clan Tags - AnSo, An2o[/i]
[b]Illiterate Soldiers[/b] (PS4 & PS3 Under 18s)
When Alliterate Soldiers started attracting lots of members, it came to a point where I felt a separate clan should be set up to mark the non adults in the community, as not all older gamers wanted to play with kids! Illiterate Soldiers is different from other clans, in that it accepts 'mature' younger players. The reason for this classification is that all Illiterate Soldiers are invited into the 18+ clans' groupme chats and able to participate in their weekly raid groups and trial teams. Anyone not able to demonstrate maturity will be confined to the under 18s only chat.
Under 18s PS4 users that sign up to this clan will be invited into Alliterate Soldiers afterwards. Under 18s PS3 users will be invited to Assonant Soldiers instead.
[i]Clan Tag - IlSo[/i]
[b]Soldiers of 7ight[/b] (XB1 18+)
The busiest of the Xbox clans, with a strong active player base that have united together to face every adversary the game has to offer. Though still fairly new in it's existence, Soldiers of 7ight has quickly grown and has some active committed players at the helm, helping to keep it all together.
[i]Clan Tag - So7[/i]
[b]Haiku Samurai[/b] (XB360 18+)
With not many Xbox 360 players left these days, this place has found some active strays and pulled them together. Though the slowest clan to grow in size, it still has a close knit community of gamers dedicated to the game, always willing to join up with fellow clan mates for any reason!
[i]Clan Tag - HaSu[/i]
[b]Rhythmic Fighters[/b] (Xboxes Under 18s)
Mirroring the reason I created Illiterate Soldiers for the PlayStation Systems. Rhythmic Fighters has some exceptional players at the helm of this small close knit clan for the younger generation. Members of this clan will also get invited into the chats of the 18+ clans for which ever Xbox system(s) you are on. Any signs of immaturity whilst in these chats will get you permanently removed from the adult chats altogether.
[i]Clan Tag - RyFi[/i]
[b]The Army Of Admin Prose[/b] (Admins Only)
[Classified] - Information on this group could not be obtained. Insufficient Privileges. Higher access clearance required.
*[i]Groupme is a chat app, compatible with all mobile devices and desktop/laptop PCs.[/i]
*[i] is a site where all my clans, once large enough, are signed upto so that it's members can compete against other clans in predefined events that take place every few days. Clan members don't need to do anything other than wear the clan tag and compete in the specific activity which has been set as that clan wars event![/i]
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