I'd personally pay $25
Not a fricken cent... I refuse to pay to win. It should not exist.
Edited by JasonX1: 2/12/2016 2:43:09 AM[b][/b]
I don't know about everyone else but I dot. Wanna be using the same guns for the next 8.5 years of destiny. It's men nerfed to the ground. I couldn't 14 ghorn shot a level 14 nexus mind. (Didn't bring him to half health even.) it Used to 10 ish shot him Asa level 32 in tdb. I wouldn't pay jack shit for it
I'll be paying with 17 strange coins. Because for some reason thats how -blam!-ing much heavies from xur cost. -blam!-ING cheap douche
Wheres the "I wouldn't" option?
I wouldn't pay shit...
Don't be giving ideas. [spoiler]nevermind, they probably thought about it already[/spoiler]
About tree fiddy. God damn lockness monstuh.
L $0 L
0 $ let me get it as a drop so i can scream again
$59.99 is a joke. The only reason people would pick that shit
Bad poll. I don't even see a "op has a neckbeard" option...
Monster Hunter - old
Ssh dont give them ideas -
$0.00 If they can offer any weapon for silver or any real currency, I'm out.
I have already paid for all the content in this game. So my money will go somewhere else.
I have a gjallarhorn, with 0 kills. I survived year 1 without using the crutch, I can continue to survive without it.
I'd pay 5. Money tight around here fam
What's with all these polls with no zero option?
Where's the option for $0?
Your testicles must be pretty bruised up with that death grip bungie apparently has on them.