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Edited by Legend of Jordy: 3/3/2016 3:43:47 AM

Create an Exotic contest!

I'm looking for great exotic ideas from the community. If you want to take part in this contest, simply comment your exotic concept and the other commenters including myself will judge how awesome it is. If it is note worthy, it will be immortalized on this list for all to see. [b]Exotic TITAN Armor[/b] (2 entries) [spoiler][b][u]Vel Tarloe's Plate-Mail[/u] |[/b] [i]Body Armor[/i] The legacy of the Pilgrim Guard lives on. [i](Submitted by [b]Legend of Jordy[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Similar appearance to the Ruin Wings and the MK.44 Stand Asides.[/i] [quote][b]The Gallant[/b] (Defender) Ward of Dawn follows the caster but at reduced radius and duration.[/quote][/quote] [b][u]Bulldozer[/u] |[/b] [i]Body Armor[/i] I wonder what would happen if a Sparrow ran into me...? [i](Submitted by [b]John Brockie[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Classic bulky/industrial look.[/i] [quote][b]Immovable Object[/b] (Hybrid) You cannot be pushed/moved by teammates, foes or minions of the darkness. Primary weapons gain Unflinching.[/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic HUNTER Armor[/b] (0 entries ) [spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic WARLOCK Armor[/b] (1 entry) [spoiler][b][u]The Bull[/u] |[/b] [i]Helmet[/i] ...Get the horns [i](Submitted by [b]Squintore[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Looks similar to the Ram and Stag but with bull horns.[/i] [quote][b]Sign of Taurus[/b] (Sunsinger) Increased agility. Provides the Solar Wind node for free and increases its knockback distance.[/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic Weapons[/b] (0 entries) [spoiler] [/spoiler] [i][u]Example Entries[/u][/i] Below are a few examples on what information your Exotic entry should contain. It does not have to be created in the example format, but it will be uploaded in the format if your entry makes it to the list. [spoiler][b][u]Thagomizers[/u] |[/b] [i]Exotic Titan Gauntlets[/i] Don't get too close. [i](Submitted by [b]Bungie[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Spiked shoulder pauldrons reminiscent of Primus Ta'aurn.[/i] [quote][b]One-Two Punch[/b] (Striker) Unlocks the Striker subclass node Amplify for free. You gain an additional melee charge.[/quote][/quote]__________________________________________ [b][u]Suros Regime[/u] |[/b] [i]Exotic Auto Rifle[/i] Nostalgia as a weapon of war. Style as a hallmark of victory. [i](Submitted by [b]Bungie[/b])[/i] [quote][u]☐☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]77[/b]☐☐[/u] [b]Rate of Fire[/b] [u]☐☐[b]28[/b]☐☐☐☐☐☐☐[/u] [b]Impact[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐[b]40[/b]☐☐☐☐☐[/u] [b]Range[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]68[/b]☐☐☐[/u] [b]Stability[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]65[/b]☐☐☐[/u] [b]Reload[/b] [b]Magazine:[/b] [i]33[/i] (Kinetic) [quote][b]Focused Fire[/b] When zoomed, this weapon fires slower, but deals additional damage. [/quote][quote][b]Suros Regime[/b] The bottom half of each magazine deals bonus damage and has the chance to return health when dealing damage. [/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] ____________________________________________ [b]Originality[/b] I'm fine with Exotics that have the same Exotic perk as everyone else's idea, I do not care who posted it first. If it's a better exotic, it will make it onto this list. Try to stay away from existing Exotic ideas that are already in the game. [b]Realism[/b] Your Exotic should be somewhat balanced, I don't want to see a weapon with 99 impact, rate of fire, and stability. Make sure it's name, flavor text, and exotic perk all fit a theme. [b]Simplicity[/b] Don't give me a grimoire card about your Exotic. Yes, I want to know about its stats and appearance, but tell me those details in as few sentences as possible. ____________________________________________ [u]Key Information[/u] -[b]Exotic Name[/b] -[b]Flavor Text[/b] -[b]Exotic Perk[/b] -[b]Appearance Description[/b] -[b]Secondary Perk[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] -[b]Element Type[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] -[b]Stats/Archetype[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] [i][Edit][/i] There are so many entries I probably need helpers, I'm going to look for posts with the most likes first, and go from there. I'll try to keep my eyes open for those posts that didn't receive much attention. Anyways, I thought I would have time on my hands but I'm super busy, I'm still finishing up reviewing most of these and I'll try to get out a top 10 for each category soon. My goal is to get the best community ideas seen by Bungie. Thanks!

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  • Edited by mannagement: 2/10/2016 9:29:02 PM
    I made these a while ago Dream Exotics Management Exotic Heavy Sniper Rifle Void "When missing a target gets you fired" Upgrade 1: 'Paycheck': Critical Hits deal x4 damage Upgrade 2: 'Rainmaker': Tracking bullets when zoomed in ––––––––––––––====––––––––––––––– Management was the creation of a greedy company in the filth of the city. As a weapon made only to enhance purchaser density, the later models are just your run-of-the-mill sniper rifles. However, the prototype still exists; It's currently somewhere in the tower. Perhaps Cyade-6 could help you. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Ahamkara Defiance Dual-Wield Exotic Hand Cannons "When one gun ain't good enough" Pre-upgrade: 'Multi-elemental': One gun does arc, one solar. Cannot be zoomed in. Upgrade 1: 'Hip Fire': Gun is more stable when firing from the hip Upgrade 2: 'Soul of two': Instead of grenade, can combine into an assault rifle and does a mix of all damage types ––––––––––––––====––––––––––––––– Ahamkara Defiance were the result of Toland's experimentations in combining ahamkara souls. The bones and souls of the respective dragons were infused into seperate hand cannons. Deeming them too dangerous, the vanguard banished them to the moon, where they were quickly stolen by the hive and fallen. For the solar pistol, you must defeat Omigul's servant, the current holder of the weapon. As for the arc, an unknown captain holds it. Find them someday, and they will fuse with your soul, binding you forever. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 'Forgotten' "I AM STILL HUMAN" -Jenni Hale Exotic; Scout Rifle Damage Type: Kinetic Rate of Fire: 56 Impact: 85 Range: 64 Stability: 87 Reload: 10 Magazine: 3 Intrinsic Properties: Shoot to Loot: Shooting any type of ammo picks it up. Sight Upgrades: Truesight IS Ranged Lens RLS3 Red Dot-OES Perk 1: Luck in the Chamber: One random bullet in the magazine causes considerable bonus damage. Stat Upgrades: Flared Magwell: Reload this weapon even faster.(+15) Lightweight: When held, this weapon grants +2 character Agility. Smallbore: Increased Range(+14) and Stability(+10). Slower Reload(-5), Reduced Magazine Size(-1) Exotic Upgrades 'Forever': When landing a hit, a round is returned to the magazine. 'Found': When landing an ability, 4 rounds are returned to the magazine. Weapon Description Standard scout rifle. Along the lines of 'Trax Mallus II'. Base colour is dark maroon, with a wooden accent. Barrel is longer than example given. Outer handle is wooden, stylized to be like a leaf. Clip is only 2/6 the size of example given. Has 'Jenni Hale' on side of the chamber (possible previous owner, or gun's true name?). Lore I found it in the forests of [i]Old Toronto[/i]. It was in a withered house. A struggle seemed to have happened, with upturned furniture, and a blood-stained floor. Everything in the house indicated it was a makeshift laboratory. I found the gun lying on the floor, looking as if it was… mad. Heat was radiating from it, and the floor was singed around it. When I approached, the gun's emanating heat was instantly gone, and it felt more, well, calm. And happy. It turned a comforting warm. I was puzzled at this strangeness. I noticed on the table, a note. It read: [i]I am a lost survivor of the collapse. Those four-armed soldiers are outside. I have nobody to be comforted by. Nobody to be loved by. I have made my last stand. I am bleeding out. If you read this. [b]I AM IN THE GUN... I AM STILL HUMAN.[/b][/i] I reeled at this note. Somebody... in a gun? The note was hastily written, old, I must have misread something. But, then I saw them: the three rounds, only could have been made by where the gun was lying. Like in a desperate attempt to move. The gun then felt... concerned. Like it was afraid I was going to leave it. I wasn't going to. Audibly, I said so. I asked my ghost to scan the weapon, and said it held an A.I., which was along the lines of an Exo. I smiled. I had just found a new friend. TL;DR Version: Holy crap I found a weapon with a person inside. [i][b]Grimoire Version[/b][/i] [i]I sit here, alone. The enemies at my doorstep finally got the better of me. My final moments were painful. Very, [b][u]very[/u][/b], painful. Now, I just sit, wait, and think. I think of my loneliness, of my past life, of the hopes of somebody finding me, and, of course, my hatred for those four-armed, god-*zzzt* AHHH! WHY? WHY MUST IT BE ME IN THIS BODY!? WHY NOT THEM?! WHY NOT HIM!? WHY NOT-*zzzt* *zzzzzzt*[/i]

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