Kind of funny that people running Year 1 gear like Thorn and Icebreaker wind up gimping their light level and end up with shitty rewards. That's just grade A hilarity.
Your rewards are not based on light level, that only applies when you turn in engrams
Pacific Rimjawb - 3/17/2025 11:39:19 PM
I got you man. My bad -
Pacific Rimjawb - 3/17/2025 11:39:19 PM
You too can use any weapon you want. Dumb argument -
I'm not complaining about people using the trendy year one weapons. Using them lowers your Light Level and lowers your rewards from Crimson Days. So yeah, enjoy your 275 Ghost Shell.
Edited by Sour Diesel: 2/10/2016 6:05:39 PMThat argument doesn't hold water anymore. If that's the case then how come my buddy is 315 light and still got a ghost at 285? Or how come I'm 316 light and get a 290 ghost from shaxx for the weekly bounty reward? The reward system needs adjusting considering the entire game is built around the Skinner box model. Play. Get reward. Be happy. Continue playing for more rewards. Once the rewards no longer feel "rewarding" then there's a problem. Everyone likes to just say "welp that's RNG" but how long are we going to accept mediocrity? As long as we do that the game will always be mediocre and fall way short of its potential.
Pacific Rimjawb - 3/17/2025 11:39:19 PM
Oh nevermind I get what you were saying lol -
Yeah I'm a 320 hunter my first shell was 316 but the other 2 were 300 and 309 lol