Edited by Mar: 2/9/2016 9:40:57 PMwell it would work like the pocket infinity, but has very low charge time, and less range. guess the idea for it would be think of a cross between the pocket infinity, and lord of wolves... just with more fire and explosions.
Really wish they would bring that to Year 2. It's an incredibly fun Fusion and so much better than Telesto and Plan C.
than telesto yes but its only better than plan c in pve though in pvp i like my insta kill no charge time fusion rifle shot halfway across the map
More power to you if you can use it like that. Plan C has suffered greatly from the fusion rifle nerfs due to charge time impact nerf and hip fire nerf, requiring it to be used with the added stability boost for ADS which then destroys the range....... errr okay Bungie, what did Plan C and FRs in general do to you. I still use Poc Inf for PVP when wanting to have fun, even broke it out in the Banners a few times a spread salt all over the spark :)