Aw how cute you can correct grammar
You know you're out of ideas when you resort to correcting grammar to try and show people up.
[quote]Aw how cute[/quote] You know you're out of ideas when you repeat yourself.
Or when you repeat what somebody has said back to them. Do you know what irony is by any chance.
If I repeated myself like I accused you of doing it would probably be ironic. It's okay though. I know by this point that critical thinking is a struggle for you.
That's a nice assumption there friend Don't act like you know me
When you base your conclusion on an abysmal attempt at a coherent conversation then it's not an assumption.
An abysmal attempt at conversation on your end. seeing as you're too busy looking down on people and thinking you're better than them.
You missed the "coherent" part which was probably the most important point I was trying to make.
And why should I offer coherent conversation to some social justice warrior that looks down on people.
I don't think you know what an SJW is. It seems like you've just heard the term too many times and are now using it on a whim.
Edited by Sunraku: 2/9/2016 1:05:14 AMOh please oh wise one share your bountiful knowledge and educate me [spoiler]did you get the sarcasm there cause I meant it[/spoiler]
You asserted that I was one without explaining how. I don't need to prove a negative. The burden of proof lies with you.
Is that the [i]truth[/i]
Thank you for conceding. Anything else?
I'm not conceeding anything You just completely missed what I said And I have neither the time nor crayons to explain it to you
You kind of are though. You made a claim and failed to back it up with evidence, therefore you concede. It really isn't that difficult to understand.
Not really. You see you're a social justice warrior cause you started responding to a comment which wasn't directed at you in some pathetic attempt to feel good about yourself. But then again I'm sure you're going to deny this and tell me what you believe to be correct cause as arrogant as you are you believe you are right and everyone else is wrong
Show me just one source that defines SJW as something that's even remotely similar to what you just said. It's so painfully obvious that you're just trying to label me in a pathetic attempt to win. It's so transparent.
A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on the Internet, often in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. Gg love you
Great source.
35 minutes and thats your reply Whatever I'm done with this argument your I'm right everyone else is wrong arrogant attitude is boring me. Oh fantastic reply by the way
Thank you for conceding once again.
Only the first time but you're welcome Now go be a social justice warrior elsewhere.
It was fun walking intellectual circles around you.
That's your opinion. And the fact that you think you're intellectual when you aren't is hilarious But then again you're that kind of person aren't you
To consider that to be anything other than a fact is delusional.