Lol calling me a scub... I'm sorry what's your highest light level? BTW in no way am I butthurt at all more so entertained lol nice stats though man keep up the good work
Going by light level, you're both scrubs...
Haha why u mad bro? Go text that sort of hot stoner chick that has you hopelessly in the friend zone about how much of a jerk people on the internet are, maybe, just maybe, she'll give you a sympathy PP touch.
Keep it coming lol #wastehistime2016
Your lack of a well thought out response means I hit that nail on the head. Git wrekt m888888888888.
Lol you hit nothing on the head. I'm just quite entertained. It's like a petting zoo. Exepct its internet trolls and I don't have to pay 25 cents to feed them lol I can keep going with my shitty responses if you'd like but Idk if you find this as entertaining as I do
Edited by Tozeas: 2/9/2016 12:16:46 AMHaha you kidding, I'm just eating dinner, I'm pretty amused by this if you are. I'm sure you're a nice enough dude irl, I just hate your gamer tag.
All good man understandable everyone has their opinions lol
Although if I fail and have to pay for the same class next semester I blame you
Or blame the weed.
Why are you still here. I thought you were gone by now.
I'd say the same thing but it looks like you're still getting hooked by obvious bait.
Stop distracting me
What do you know? The stoner doesn't have self-control. Everyone is surprised.
With your picture it looks like a robot arguing with someone. I lol'd
No I just don't really wanna be doing my hw but I have to so I am off now. You win. Good day to you
I was just doing homework for my computer science class so yea this is more entertaining than that actually lol
Haha no shit it is, homework of any type blows. All trolling aside, get your homework done, and get good grades on that shit. Take it from me, I just finished college and got my first job, only reason I got it was because of high grades, if you have no experience, that high GPa will help. But I'm done harassing you now, peace Broseph Stalin.
Preaching to the choir man. Unfortunately I slacked off in highschool now paying for having to repeat some stupid math classes now in college.... Sucks but its my own mistake and I'm bettering myself from it. But yea I should get to it. Peace brotha man
Hahaha damn. Your too funny lol what else you got??