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Edited by Legend of Jordy: 3/3/2016 3:43:47 AM

Create an Exotic contest!

I'm looking for great exotic ideas from the community. If you want to take part in this contest, simply comment your exotic concept and the other commenters including myself will judge how awesome it is. If it is note worthy, it will be immortalized on this list for all to see. [b]Exotic TITAN Armor[/b] (2 entries) [spoiler][b][u]Vel Tarloe's Plate-Mail[/u] |[/b] [i]Body Armor[/i] The legacy of the Pilgrim Guard lives on. [i](Submitted by [b]Legend of Jordy[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Similar appearance to the Ruin Wings and the MK.44 Stand Asides.[/i] [quote][b]The Gallant[/b] (Defender) Ward of Dawn follows the caster but at reduced radius and duration.[/quote][/quote] [b][u]Bulldozer[/u] |[/b] [i]Body Armor[/i] I wonder what would happen if a Sparrow ran into me...? [i](Submitted by [b]John Brockie[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Classic bulky/industrial look.[/i] [quote][b]Immovable Object[/b] (Hybrid) You cannot be pushed/moved by teammates, foes or minions of the darkness. Primary weapons gain Unflinching.[/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic HUNTER Armor[/b] (0 entries ) [spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic WARLOCK Armor[/b] (1 entry) [spoiler][b][u]The Bull[/u] |[/b] [i]Helmet[/i] ...Get the horns [i](Submitted by [b]Squintore[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Looks similar to the Ram and Stag but with bull horns.[/i] [quote][b]Sign of Taurus[/b] (Sunsinger) Increased agility. Provides the Solar Wind node for free and increases its knockback distance.[/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] [b]Exotic Weapons[/b] (0 entries) [spoiler] [/spoiler] [i][u]Example Entries[/u][/i] Below are a few examples on what information your Exotic entry should contain. It does not have to be created in the example format, but it will be uploaded in the format if your entry makes it to the list. [spoiler][b][u]Thagomizers[/u] |[/b] [i]Exotic Titan Gauntlets[/i] Don't get too close. [i](Submitted by [b]Bungie[/b])[/i] [quote][i]Spiked shoulder pauldrons reminiscent of Primus Ta'aurn.[/i] [quote][b]One-Two Punch[/b] (Striker) Unlocks the Striker subclass node Amplify for free. You gain an additional melee charge.[/quote][/quote]__________________________________________ [b][u]Suros Regime[/u] |[/b] [i]Exotic Auto Rifle[/i] Nostalgia as a weapon of war. Style as a hallmark of victory. [i](Submitted by [b]Bungie[/b])[/i] [quote][u]☐☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]77[/b]☐☐[/u] [b]Rate of Fire[/b] [u]☐☐[b]28[/b]☐☐☐☐☐☐☐[/u] [b]Impact[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐[b]40[/b]☐☐☐☐☐[/u] [b]Range[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]68[/b]☐☐☐[/u] [b]Stability[/b] [u]☐☐☐☐☐☐[b]65[/b]☐☐☐[/u] [b]Reload[/b] [b]Magazine:[/b] [i]33[/i] (Kinetic) [quote][b]Focused Fire[/b] When zoomed, this weapon fires slower, but deals additional damage. [/quote][quote][b]Suros Regime[/b] The bottom half of each magazine deals bonus damage and has the chance to return health when dealing damage. [/quote][/quote] [/spoiler] ____________________________________________ [b]Originality[/b] I'm fine with Exotics that have the same Exotic perk as everyone else's idea, I do not care who posted it first. If it's a better exotic, it will make it onto this list. Try to stay away from existing Exotic ideas that are already in the game. [b]Realism[/b] Your Exotic should be somewhat balanced, I don't want to see a weapon with 99 impact, rate of fire, and stability. Make sure it's name, flavor text, and exotic perk all fit a theme. [b]Simplicity[/b] Don't give me a grimoire card about your Exotic. Yes, I want to know about its stats and appearance, but tell me those details in as few sentences as possible. ____________________________________________ [u]Key Information[/u] -[b]Exotic Name[/b] -[b]Flavor Text[/b] -[b]Exotic Perk[/b] -[b]Appearance Description[/b] -[b]Secondary Perk[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] -[b]Element Type[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] -[b]Stats/Archetype[/b] [i](Weapons Only)[/i] [i][Edit][/i] There are so many entries I probably need helpers, I'm going to look for posts with the most likes first, and go from there. I'll try to keep my eyes open for those posts that didn't receive much attention. Anyways, I thought I would have time on my hands but I'm super busy, I'm still finishing up reviewing most of these and I'll try to get out a top 10 for each category soon. My goal is to get the best community ideas seen by Bungie. Thanks!

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  • The MK Falcons! Titan Greaves that meld MK.44 Stand asides and Peregrine Greaves into one pair of boots!!! Pleas BUNGIE make it happen

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    • wings of dire ahamkara " seems that you have ascended...oh bearer of mine...there is much to learn..." exotic warlock chestpiece any stat combination exotic perk: grants angel of light. angel of light now allows a dashing ability and has a longer duration. while in radiance you glide and using AoL dash if a melee is charged on contact to an enemy does bonus damage.

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      • Fists of Wei Ning [i]Even though shes gone, they can still feel her in every Titans punch.[/i] Exotic perk:Wei Ning's "Love Tap" Upon holding down your melee, you charge up your fist to release a devastating AOE blast that stuns you enemies. But drastically increased melee cool down after attack. Other perks: increased melee speed, grenade damage reduces melee cooldown. The design is based off of mid-evil English Armor with golden accents from the palm of the hand leading to the finger tips. One shoulder has a cabal legonarie helmet on the left side.

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        • Edited by DougeDimahoe: 2/8/2016 3:48:12 PM
          Exotic Class item: Gauntlets, Warlock Name:(don't know yet) Exotic perk: Electric Fire, adds a short burn to arcbolt grenades and adds tracking to solar grenades. Appearance: similar to nothing mancles/sunbreakers but have blue flames shooting towards your elbow. Flavor text: [i]Let your enemies know fear, as they burn look at them and laugh... [/i]

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          • Edited by TrulyDakka: 2/8/2016 3:39:20 PM
            Exotic Titan Chestpiece/Twilight Rest [i]They fought, and fought, and fought. Until nothing was left. Then they fought some more.[/i] Exotic Perk: Soldier's Reprieve When shields are broken, all weapons are instantly reloaded. All reload speeds are drastically reduced until shields begin to regenerate. Cooldown of 10 seconds.

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              [b][i][u]Talons of the Phoenix[/u][/i][/b] Warlock Boots Solar Damage has no effect on you Longer durability on radiance if self resurrected Increased Melee damage and burn time

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              • This is a rehash of many of my old exotic ideas: Hellbringer [spoiler] [i]There is always more to burn. There is always more left to raze to ash.[/i] Exotic Pulse Rifle Solar Damage RoF: 82 Impact:12 Range:32 Stability:74 Reload:88 First Perk: Firefly Exotic Perk: Firefly explosions have a doubled blast radius. Those felled by the weapon leave fiery embers that cause extra damage. It would have a long, thin barrel and slim casing. The magazine smokes slightly. The gun has a red and grey-black metallic colouring. [/spoiler] Like Clockwork [spoiler][i]"My father had a glass stopwatch. It ticked, and it ticked, and on the moment of his death, it stopped. I took it from his hand. It began ticking again." - Brendell Xhal to Unknown [/i] Exotic Machine Gun Void Damage RoF: 75 Impact:61 Range:22 Stability:68 Reload:12 Intrinsic Perk: The Stopwatch: This weapon fires faster and does more damage as the wielder's health lowers. First Perk: Rangefinder Exotic Perk: Clockwork: Getting three precision hits in a row places two bullets from reserves in the magazine. It would be made all of glass, other than the bullets in the magazine. Inside you can see thousands of cogs and gears, turning when the gun is fired. [/spoiler] The Nuclear Star [spoiler] [i]Nu-clear. It's pronounced nu-clear[/i] Exotic Fusion Rifle Solar Damage Charge Rate: 52 Impact: 67 Range: 45 Stability: 39 Reload: 78 Intrinsic Perk: Nu-clear: This weapon sets fire to all enemies nearby, who in turn have a chance to chain fire to others. First Perk: Zen Moment Exotic Perk: Reloading this weapon releases a cloud of radioactive steam that lingers for a while. The gun, like Touch of Malice, would be built around a central sphere, in this case the reactor. The reactor is silver with warning signs and is connected to the yellow plasticky gun casing by wires and the silver barrel. [/spoiler] Let me know if I should add more. I've got more ideas if they are needed/wanted.

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              • Titan Exotic Chest Piece: (The) Infallible Wall [i]I am the unstoppable force, I am the immovable object![/i] Dual perk: Impenetrable/Unrelenting (Similar to Boolean Gemini perks) Unrelenting: Fist of Havoc comes out FASTER with a larger blast radius. Impenetrable: Ward of Dawn has increased health and essentially becomes terrain, enemies can not pass through it. Upon activation, nearby enemies are flung away. Visually it would change depending on perk, glowing a bright blue for strikers and a deep purple for defenders. It would be fairly sleek as well

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              • DIM(did I miss) Heavy machine gun Slow rate fire Like telesto rounds stick and explode after a delay unless the gun is destroyed ie kill the person shooting

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              • A Knights Blue moon Scout Rifle "On a night such as this, we break royalty..." Midnight purple color with a pitch black frame and a single Spike for ADS Zen moment, Hidden Hand, braced frame, Luck in the Chamber, Fire fly :3 <- choices on the perk list Exotic perk "Blue moon": each shot fired does 3x more damage than the shot fired before it (15 in a clip) ^~^ medium Fire rate, More than half the stability maxed without perks ^.^

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              • [b]Never Ending Suffering[/b] Handcannon [i]"Say What you want, I ain't stopping any time soon!"[/i] Perk 1: Hipfire Middle perks: snap shot, high caliber rounds, ability perk. Exotic Perk: [i]You Can't Stop This Cowboy[/i]- Gun fires as fast as you can pull that trigger, double kills refill ammo (8 rounds per mag), Precision shots are doubled on the first two rounds. Design will resemble more of a Revolver with a wooden handle engraved with, "With these hands, I have done unspeakable things" and with an ivory sketching all across the weapon and the metal parts of the weapon have a Copper shine to it.

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              • Exotic rocket: slagged (The explosion is arc but poison gas is void) Chemical warfare is against the rules. You know what they say about rules right. "Lord Shax" On rockets impact, anyone survived in blast radius is stunned (when stunned sensitivity and move speed is decreases). In blast radius is a cloud of poisoned smoke. RoF: slow as balls Blast radius: very high Velocity: 3/4 Stability: very low Reload: slow Close proximity detonation

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                • jetpack flyer(chest piece for hunter): replaces double jump and changing it to a lift/ glide and aiming down sights in mid air keeps u in place 4 a short peroid of time. ( well the main reason for this exotic cuz when i play on my warlock and titan sidearm is so fun ) Speedster(boots for titan) grants 2 + agility and shoulder charge perk. Idk what exotics warlock shd get

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                  • Edited by Uncha1n3dSky: 2/8/2016 7:02:35 PM
                    Warlock Boots: Jet Blast "We went through the speed of sound before the speed of light" Main perk: Jet Blast -blink cool-down is 10% faster and leaves element trail that can damage when touched, last for 3 seconds 2nd perk: Sonic Boom -Blink goes further when health is critical

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                  • Edited by imTylerJames: 2/8/2016 8:32:40 PM
                    Unfinished Business: Exotic Sidearm --Description-- [spoiler]Rumored to be forged as a sister to the praised Mida Multi-Tool, guardians feel a sense of speed when in hand.[/spoiler] --Perks-- [spoiler] 1. Feeding Frenzy or Reactive Reload (Switchable) - (Passive Unlock) Sidekick - This sidearm is fully automatic. 2. Snapshot ---Main Exotic Perk: Finish The Fight: This weapon can be reloaded while sprinting. [/spoiler] The idea of this weapon is that it could be used if your primary runs out of ammo and you need to act fast. The combination of Feeding Frenzy or Reactive Reload and the "Finish The Fight" perk would play perfectly together. It promotes short to mid range combat making a pair with a scout rifle ideal, which is a good change to what we have right now. Additionally, it's unique as it would be the only sidearm that is fully automatic.

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                    • Sangheili’s Last Stand | Exotic sidearm/fusion rifle “A ghost found this weapon on the body of an unknown alien species, scanning of the weapon brings up no signs of technology found in this galaxy” Charge rate: 95 Impact: depends on how long the weapon is charged, base shot deals 15, charged deals anywhere from 15-85 Range: 50 Stability: 100 Reload: no reload, but depends on how long you charge it, it may overheat Ammo Capacity: 100%, ammo runs off battery percentage, special ammo crates give 25% battery back EMP Blast: passively unlocked perk. Charged blast depletes enemy shield entirely, leaving them vulnerable to damage. Exotic Perk: Aggressive Tracking: Charged shots fired from this weapon aggressively track enemies. In case you haven’t figured it out already, the weapon would resemble a plasma pistol from Halo.

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                    • Warlock Exotic Boots [b]Featherweight Boosters[/b] [i]"Have you ever wanted to feel lighter than air Guardian?"[/i] Perk: Blink jump Grants Blink jump for Warlocks but super duration is greatly reduced (approx. 40%) Appearance: Resembles larger knee padded boots with small wings attached to the ankles similar to Icarus sandals. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Warlock Exotic Gauntlets [b]Super-coil Conductors[/b] [i]"Legends spoke of a madman who dreamed of Stormcallers powering the city..."[/i] Perk: Lightening blast Stormtrance now has a faster attack rate but suffers a heavy penalty to range Appearance: Resembles leather bracers with 8 tiny Tesla towers. 4 towers on each side of the bracer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exotic Sidearm [b]A Relic of Justice[/b] [i]"History books tell of this weapon once used by a primitive form of Guardian."[/i] Perk: Lawful Justice This weapon gains a bonus to damage, fire rate, and reload with every precision kill (Stacks up to x5) Appearance: Similar to that of a Colt 1911, but with a bit more of the Hakke style. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honestly I'm more interested in making exotics for Stormcallers. I want to see exotics tailored towards it in a way that it forces a new play style for Stormcallers resulting in a more PvP and PvE friendly style. The Impossible Machines are cool and all but it isn't great when the only useful exotic for the subclass is one exotic.

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                    • [b]Eye of Ahamkara[/b] Exotic Sniper Rifle [i]Through the eye is how you enter one's mind, wielder of mine.[/i] Stats: High impact archetype (Black Spindle), 95 range, maximum stability, slow reload. Magazine of 3, 50 aim assist. This weapon deals void damage. Intrinsic Perk: Ahamkara's Blood: Precision kills with this weapon will leave a void field (similar to void grenade) in its wake. Precision kills with this weapon will heal the user a small amount. First tree: Field Choke CQB Ballistics Smooth Ballistics Second perk: Perfectionist Second tree: Lightweight Snapshot Flared Magwell Soul Thief: Precision Damage and Accuracy greatly increased, but body damage is decreased. Precision kills also provide a boost to handling.

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                    • I hope it is okay I add 3 in one comment. Hunter Exotic: Will Of Light (Helm) *May your light shine brighter than the stars* Exotic Perk: Increased Ability cool downs when full on super. Activating your super grants full health and brief armor buff. Other perks would be Ashes to Assets. Warlock Exotic: Creator of Light (Chest) *With your will, nothing can not be forged* Exotic Perk: Multi-kills increase super cooldown. Increased Recovery after a multi-kill for a brief period. Other perks would increase ammo of some kind. Titan Exotic: Light Brawler (Legs) *As long as you stand, your will can not be undone* Exotic Perk: Grants Shoulder Charge ability for Sunbreaker super. Increased agility with this armor. Other perks would be ammo related.

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                    • Name: DEATH -xXx (Machine Gun) Blood, Steel, Sweat are the best Teacher -- Unknown --------------------- Exotic Perk- DEATH - xXx Bottom Half of Magazine does Bonus Damage, which increase stability, range and accuracy by 30% but have a chance of taking the wielders life. ----- Come up with perks...? IDK

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                    • Edited by chillichillman: 2/8/2016 11:39:46 PM
                      Star Shooter-"what could be better than shooting super heated plasma at you enemies? Doing it with style." Exotic fusion rifle Exotic perks- base perk-Star shooter: this weapon fires an expanding disk of plasma-tic energy which causes lingering damage. exotic perk-supernova-the weapon will send out a secondary burst upon initial contact with an enemy. Side note: the disk would slow down and fade when it is out of effective range. Exotic armor(varied for class) Hunter- helmet-mask of the cursed-"They told me it would show me the light; they never said it would keep me from it." Warlock-chest-carcass of the cursed-"It looked promising, and it was glowing. I never thought that it would be so.......cursed." Titan-arms-cursed gauntlets-"these were once the arms of a knight; now the are mine." Exotic perk-cursed light-all you supers deal a cursed thrall explosion when used.

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                      • Edited by Kreis: 2/8/2016 9:37:57 PM
                        [quote][b]Cygnus[/b] | [i]Exotic Heavy Sniper[/i] "[i]It was nothing but a dream..[/i]" - [i]Unknown Exo Guardian[/i] [i]Similar appearance to the Sleeper Stimulant[/i] [quote]RoF: 4☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ Impact: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐100 Range: ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐100 Stability: 10☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ Reload: 10☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐[/quote] Magazine: 1[/quote]

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                      • Collapse in the Night Exotic Warlock Chestpiece "Some may wonder where you went, others may not have known you at all." - Unknown Exotic Perk - Collapse in the Night - Pressing B, B (Circle, Circle) will force this chest piece to collapse on you, resulting in death. [spoiler]im basically saying warlocks don't need an evade.[/spoiler]

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                      • Edited by Distrbing: 2/8/2016 9:26:05 PM
                        Hellfire Solar fusion rifle, goes into primary slot Text: Avenge the dead, burn the hive to the ground Story behind it: Used by the Sunsinger Feuern at the battle against Crota on the moon, Hellfire as been lost for years. By wielding this weapon, guardians avenge the dead guardians lost to crotas blade. Archetype: Very high impact, very low RoF. 5 rounds per mag, hold 35 in reserve Exotic perks: Hellfire, precision kills with this weapon don't use ammo. Fully Automatic Obtaining: Complete the "carrying the torch" mission in the moon. Quest gotten by randomly killing yellow bar wizards on the moon. Kill more wizards to narrow down search radius, with the final location in the hellmouth, and you have to defend from 3 waves of increasingly difficult enemies. You then open the chest it is in, obtaining the gun. Spawns at 290

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                      • Edited by Hugebones318: 2/8/2016 9:03:18 PM
                        My idea: Exotic Machine Gun [b][i][u]Kabr's Vengeance[/u][/i][/b] [i]The Vault changed us. I don't know if it was for better or for worse, but either way, it changed us. And I'll get them for that.[/i] Rate of Fire: 68 Impact: 53 Range: 43 Stability: 45 Reload: 36 Magazine: 32 [u]Passives:[/u] Void Damage Infuse Kabr's Will: Bullets have a small chance to return to the magazine after impact. [u]Selectable Perk 1:[/u] Aggressive Ballistics Soft Ballistics Linear Compensater [u]Perk 1:[/u] Rodeo: Reduces the severity of this weapon's recoil when under fire [u]Selectable Perk 2:[/u] Field Scout Perfect Balance Speed Reload [u]Exotic Perk:[/u] Kabr's Vengeance: This weapon deals more damage after reload and reloads more quickly after precision kills. It also applies explosive rounds after three rapid kills.

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                      • The Tedious Task Exotic sniper rifle -Who knew that I'd have found picking off those oh so powerful warlocks easier than taking on the tedious task of coming up with a name for my favourite gun? Exotic Perk- While aiming this gun use the top/bottom D-pad to increase/decrease the zoom Other than that this gun should have an automatic God Roll and should look really cool or I will find a reason to sue Bungie.

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