[b]he just stands next to the chair[/b] "Why are you so... Emotionally invested in him? What did he do to earn your trust?"
"He's Lucas' clone, and I suppose somewhere I fell for him. Now sit down, things are about to get fast."
[b]he grabs onto the door frame and nods toward you [/b]
She flips some switches and the ship lurches forward.
[b]he goes flying down the hall[/b]
"Hold on to your butt!"
[b]the sickening noise of bones breaking and objects being hit extremely hard resonates from the room next to you[/b]
She hears it and sets the ship on auto pilot and runs to the next room. "Wheatley!"
[b]he is nearly dead and not noticeably breathing[/b]
She picks him up and lays him on a cot, beginning to use magic to set his bones and heal him.
[b]he slowly begins to die. He looks up at Tara, silent. With pure fear in his eyes[/b]
"I'm not losing you too!" She pours unbelievable amounts of magic into him.
[b]he smiles, and goes completely Limp, staring into nothing the way a corpse without its eyes shut does[/b]
She unleashes a torrent of life energy, nearly draining all of her reserves.
[b]he has already died[/b]
She collapses over him crying and wailing.
[b]as Tara falls onto him, she can feel a slight heartbeat from three different hearts around his chest, a strange anatomy, and a wonder how he can even sustain such things, one is dead, the other two barely cling onto life like Luke skywalker hanging off of cloud city xD[/b]
She gets herself together and begins administering CPR and electric shocks.
[b]he groggily wakes up, and looks at Tara.[/b] "Hey... Are you... Okay?"
She looks exhausted and smiles as she nearly passes out.
[b]although the bones in his legs are broken and in severe pain, he jumps to his feet and runs to Tara's aid.[/b] "oh my god, are you okay?! Where can I call for a medic?"
"I...I just need sleep. Stay off your legs, they still need to mend."
"Nope..." [b]he picks her up, and in some miracle of strength, manages to get around two or three meters down the hall, before falling flat on his face, even then he continues to drag himself along the floor[/b]
She presses a button on the wall and a mechanism brings them to beds.
Edited by Cosmic: 2/6/2016 9:11:14 PM[b]he tugs himself along the floor, eventually onto a bed[/b]