[b]john suddenly springs to his feet and his eyes dart around for an escape, he screams in an incomprehensible language[/b]
She looks at the knife. "I can track him, tell you which one is safe."
"I can assure you none of them are. That demon worshipper guy will find me... And likely strike me down."
She clenches her fist around the knife. "It just ISN'T FAIR!" She throws it down. "EVERYONE I LOVE DIES! ALWAYS!" Tears stream down her face.
[b]he wipes the tear from her face[/b] "I'm sorry... It's for your benefit, but before I go, I have atleast one last question..."
"What?" She asks weakly.
"Will you raise poor Wheatley when I'm... Gone?" [b]he motions to the now crying child at his side[/b]
She looks at Wheatley and smiles sadly. "Yes, I will John." She hugs him.
[b]he hugs Tara and kisses her[/b] "I'll be off now... Under the small circumstance I survive, don't expect to be alone again.... Ever [b]he smirks and begins to walks toward the hangar, Wheatley cries[/b]
Tara hugs Wheatley, also crying.
[i]"w-why does he throw himself at death?"[/i]
"Because he loves us, and love is a wonderful, horrible thing."
"[i]im sorry, miss... You seemed to be a good friend of his[/i]"
She smiles sadly. "You could say that, now come on." She leads him to the cockpit.
[b]he follows, wiping a tear from his faces d coming back to his senses[/b] "What are you..."
"I'm an Astral, the last one actually."
"I'm the last wisp... Now."
A tear falls from her face as they reach the cockpit.
Edited by Cosmic: 2/6/2016 12:31:33 PM"[i]why Do y-you cry, m-miss?[/i]"
She simply puts her finger to her lips as she sits in the pilot chair. "Sit Wheatley."
[b]he just stands next to the chair[/b] "Why are you so... Emotionally invested in him? What did he do to earn your trust?"
"He's Lucas' clone, and I suppose somewhere I fell for him. Now sit down, things are about to get fast."
[b]he grabs onto the door frame and nods toward you [/b]
She flips some switches and the ship lurches forward.
[b]he goes flying down the hall[/b]
"Hold on to your butt!"