originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
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XB1: MacSPARTAN913- Greetings, I have a group of 2-3 on any given night after 9pm EST looking to gain raiding experience. We are 295 - 310 LL between us, little to no KF experience, hoping to find others willing to sherpa or learn along side of us. Usually have 2-3 hours to play per night. Also up for any other activities and events on an ongoing basis. Feel free to message and/or friend if you are interested in joining up.
I have a warlock only 298 light. keen to partner up. usually available after 8pm GMT+2 feel free to add me
I have a Warlock 300 light. Never done KF. I'm available and usually on after 9est. Message or add me.
I have completed 2 nm, and even helped with one challenge, but have not been able to raid consistent, so need team with little patience also
Sounds like this might be what I was looking for? Add me I'm always down, and I need some exsp also