The Ochman Hunt
Chapter 10 - Judgement
[i]Chapter 11 -[/i] The Taken King
I charged after Serenity and Tenerris as soon as I was unfrozen in time. Without hesitation, I swooped them up, clutching them in each of my hands. I couldn't bring myself to watch what was happening, but if it's eyes are open, mine are open. I begged it to stay it's hand but it only growled. I tried to gain control but it only hissed. I was in no power while it was the pilot, so I could only pray that Serenity thought of something.
Xerxese first went for Tenerris, which I didn't expect. It opened its wide jaws and ate the head from Tenerris whole, leaving his body to gush blood from the opening. Xerxese then threw the lifeless body into the air and ate it when it came back down, swallowing it in one bite. Afterwards, Xerxese turned its head to Serenity, allowing me to see her one last time. But once she came into view, she had her handcannon out, aimed directly for my head. She fired off 3 bullets before Xerxese let her go, flailing backwards in pain. She must have hit the creature in the eyes.
"Very good, very good. You are both very capable warriors. But let's see what happens if I remove Xerxese from my control. What will it do, continue to obey me or turn on me? It's time to put this plague Tenerris made to the test. I'll be waiting," Oryx said, looking down at me, his eyes glowing blue this time, not yellow like they just were.
Before I knew it, I could come to control parts of my body again. I could move the arms slowly at first and began to gain more power over myself over time. I was the pilot now.
"Serenity, it's me! Don't attack, I'm here now!"
I tried to talk but only growls came out. I still had only the mind of myself and the body of the creature. Serenity just looked cautiously at me, her weapons still sighted at my head. I figured I need to do something she would understand. Something to tell her we need to attack Oryx. I doubt we can take him, but what else is there to try? I raised my hand up and pointed one of my long, sharp claws to Oryx then looked to Serenity for her response. I hoped she understood what it meant. It wasn't exactly clearly said.
"Okay, Nex. Let's do it."
She understood. I couldn't believe it. In an instant, I teleported behind Oryx and went to place my attack but he immediately turned around and grabbed me by the neck, holding me up and laughing.
"Seems as though the plague doesn't work. Tenerris has failed me after all, but I knew this would happen. I planned for it to. And know, you are not part of that plan, Xerxese. Nexivelus Rectus." Oryx mocked and choked me before he finally grabbed me by the head and smashed it into the floor of the platform.
For a minute, I was totally disoriented but I managed to lift my head up in time to see Serenity jumping onto the back of Oryx, stabbing him in the head with her knife. Oryx tried to reach up and grab her but she jumped at the last minute, doing a flip in the air drawing her handcannons and putting six rounds into his face before falling to the ground, sticking the landing.
"Nex, get up! I need you," she screamed to me, reloading her weapons.
Oryx simply looked down to me and grabbed my head once again, staring me in the eye.
"Yes, Nex, why don't you get up?" Oryx grumbled before throwing me to the arena floor and leaping onto my head. The crushing weight of his foot pressed on my head as if Phogoth himself was sitting on me, and my head was shredded by the rocky arena floor as it drove deeper into the ground. Thankfully this new body can endure much stress.
"You two dare to fight a God? Have you no common sense? No intelligence?"
"How's about you let us go and return to fight when we have our full strength? So that you may have an actual challenge and we can revere after ending you?" Serenity shouted, tense and heated as I've ever seen her. But Oryx only laughed, as he usually does.
"I'm afraid that will have to wait, human. I intend on taking the Traveler back and that only. You're meddling would only prove a nuisance, so no. You may not leave. But... Hmm... I believe I do know of a use for you. You'll be coming with me." Oryx was about to grab Serenity when I jumped onto his back and began biting him in the neck. He yelled in agony before reaching back and grabbing me by the face for the third time.
He was ready to speak to me when Serenity began shooting him from behind with Bad Juju. I was going to act while he was distracted but he simply stared me down while raising his hand. It soon began glowing white and black, as if almost translucent. And out of nowhere, dark spheres began forming behind Serenity from which odd and deformed Fallen and Cabal spawned. They too shared the white and black look but there entire body was covered by it. These things were even more freaky than most of the Hive and that's saying something. They would stand perfectly still but twitch back and forth, as if they too had no control over their bodies, similar to me. Directly after their spawn, Oryx did a wave of his hand and somehow knocked out Serenity.
"Take her to my Dreadnought. Put her in a holding cell and wait for my return," Oryx commanded his minions, looking back at me. I struggled to try and get free but it was useless. His grip was too tight.
"Haha, it's so interesting to see that even in this form, you're mind remains intact. I can imagine you hear me? You're not just a wild animal?"
I tried to scream at him, saying to let her go but once again, I just roared like an idiot.
"Well nevertheless, you are still not an optional part of my plan and must be executed. You are already polluted by this vile disease and so you would be useless to me. How unfortunate."
Oryx then tossed me lightly into the air long enough to give me a truck of a kick into my stomach which propelled me straight through the 8 inch thick arena walls. At least I thought they were 8 inches. My new body allows for an increased damage threshold but with a kick like that, anything short of a literal God would have a hard time avoiding its pain. I thought I would just simply recover and run after Serenity but it didn't work that way. Time was unfrozen after Oryx left the arena, and all of the creatures, still controlled by Oryx, poured into the destroyed wall like a waterfall. And the only thing I saw before me was death. And death is unacceptable. Not now.
Chapter 12 - TBA
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