Here's an idea of a raid I'm working on, this is what i got so far. I will be posting more raid stuff eventually
Name:royal siege
Level 46 raid
Enemies encountered:cabal
Description: strike at the heart of the Empire.
Hard mode is lvl 50
The basic idea of this raid is you have to infiltrate the cabal royal fortress where the cabal emperor is. Extra detail: no matter when u do the raid it will always be night time.
Part 1:breaking in
You will spawn in a new area called “the front lines.” the area is a flat but hilly area, the fortress is very fortified and there’s no way in from the outside except the front door which is always locked. The objective shown on ur ghost is “find a way in.” but as u look around there is absolutely no way in from the outside, so ur gonna have to break in. There will be a bomb Depot next to the front entrance and if u scan it ghost says “maybe we can use these bombs to blow open the front entrance.” As u leave the depot, a few cabal drop ships come in and deploy troops these cabal are from the faction called “royal guard” every cabal u face in the raid will be part of the royal guard. After u kill the troops u place the explosives on the front door and blow them up. A few cabal will be on the other side of the door that u have to kill, so then that objective is done.
Step 2:opening the door
U will enter an area called “the courtyard” there will be a bunch of raised platforms and under the platforms will be a mini sewer system with oil flowing through it. This sewer system will be important in this part so keep that in mind. Jumping in the oil will cause u to be poisoned and u will die. On the upper level there will be cabal continuesly spawning nonstop. The spawning cabal will range from legionaries, centurions and psions. When u kill enough cabal u will get a buff called “oil retardant” and with this buff when u jump in the oil u won't be poisoned, but this buff is limited. U will have 15 seconds with the buff and then u have to transfer it. To transfer the buff u just go up to a guardian and hold x. There will be holes at some parts of the sewer that have holes leading back to the upper level, those are the recommended places to transfer the buff. If the buff runs out u have to do the same thing to get the buff back (kill enough cabal etc.) Travel enough distance and transfer enough times and u will reach a switch. When u pull the switch the door Will open.
Step 3:Jumping section
U will enter a factory like area and u will be Jumping from moving platforms and pistons. This part basically speaks for itself, jump to the finish end of story.
Step 4:melting furnace
U will enter an area called “melting furnace” which is full of flame jets, slag melting pots and incinerators. The objective that will appear on ur ghost “light the furnace.” u have to run to certain parts of the map and activate the burners. But when u activate them u have to defend them from cabal for a certain amount of time before they are fully activated. If a about 3 cabal get to the burner then it will deactivate. If the cabal get to all the burners then u wipe. There are 4 burners in total. Once u activate all the burners the furnace will light.
Step 5:valus La’an
After the furnace is lit, valus la’an will walk out of the furnace. He is the first boss of the raid. He looks like a centurion wearing fire retardant armor and his right fist Is on fire. He wields a flamethrower as a weapon, but still has a pistol as a ranged weapon. His moveset is burning u with his flamethrower which will give u the burn debuff, shoot u with his pistol, set the floor on fire with his flaming fist and float in the air and throw grenades at u. He will also send in other cabal to help him. If u hit him to many times all at once he will go into “rage mode.” when he’s in rage mode he becomes completely invincible and spams attacks. Rage mode usually lasts 15 to 30 seconds and then he will go back to normal. Sometimes he will put up a shield that u have to break. The shield is just a normal phalanx shield but slightly bigger. U can break the shield by just shooting it alot and it will eventually break. When his health gets down to 25% he will attack more rapidly and unpredictably and will go into rage mode much faster. Once u kill him the furnace will stop burning and he will drop loot.
Step 6:laying low
There will be a passage through the furnace that will lead u back to the courtyard but u will be in a completely different area of the courtyard. The area is like a maze and there will be centurions walking around with they're flashlights on. U have to avoid them at all costs, they are completely immune to all damage so don't try killing them and if they spot u the will one shot kill everyone and u will wipe. They patrol the area on fixed routes so u have to find a way around them. Get to the end of the area and ur done that part.
Step 6:generator room
You will arrive in this big room with a big generator in the middle.
The sides of the room are just normal floor but as u get to the middle the floor starts to go down into a bowl shape. When u enter the room u have to fight a few waves of cabal and then an objective will pop u at the generator and it will say “activate the generator.”
Step 7:bracus h’aurn
Bracus h’aurn is a psion wearing heavy armor and has blades attached to his arms, he also duel wields slug pistols as a ranged weapon. When u spawn him he does like a ceremonial dance for 5 seconds and then the lights go out and ur fighting him in the dark. He can turn invisible and sneak up behind u and 1 shot u with his blades. But if it doesn’t 1 shot u than u will receive a debuff called bracus’s deception. This debuff inverts ur controls. The only way to damage him is to get him near the generator and shock him and then he will be stunned and then u can damage him. But while he is stunned, psion majors called “h’aurn’s comrades” will come to help him while he's stunned.
Rinse and repeat until he's dead and then ur done.
Step 8:shipping depot
U will enter a room aptly named “shipping depot.” the room is full of cargo crates and ships moving in and out of the shipping doors. An objective will pop up on ur ghost that says “get to the palace.” basically u have to find a way to sneak into a cabal transport ship that will take u all the way to the palace. Once u enter the main area of the room, an alarm will go off and a few cabal soldiers will enter the room. Kill these soldiers and then scan the transport ship. Then a 5 min timer will pop up on ur screen and an objective will pop up on ur ghost that says “buy some time.” then cabal will spawn endlessly until the timer is done. The cabal will get stronger as the timer counts down. The spawn pool ranges from legionaries to colossus’s. Once the timer runs out u have to jump on the ship and it will take off and u will be safe.
Step 9:cabal battleship
When u traveling on the ship u can just look at the scenery but halfway through your travel some cabal ships will stop u and you will have to fight cabal while ur on the ship. You will fight a few waves of cabal (5 to 6 waves.) After u fight off those waves, a big cabal battleship will fly over ur ship and u have to fight it. The catch for this battle is one person will need to pilot the ship while the other 5 people deal with the battleship itself. The ship has 2 slug turrets, a mini grenade launcher, a forcefield and can send in other cabal to help. While driving, the pilot is vulnerable so if he dies someone else has to replace him. When it puts up the forcefield u just have to shoot it alot and I mean ALOT and then it will break, with the forcefield u it can still shoot u and send in other cabal. There are some cargo crates that u can take cover behind if ur health gets low. Do this until the health bar goes down to 0 and ur done. Then u can look at the scenery again until u get to the palace.
Edit: ideas for the raid are now open post ur ideas here and I'll add them to the raid
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