[i]Ha-ha. Very funny. It's a new approach but ineffective.[/i]
"A-are yyyyou okay?" [b]wheatley reluctantly walks over in fear[/b] [i]"h-hello miss... W-who are you?"[/i]
"John, you're the one I'm worried about! I'm Tara."
Edited by Cosmic: 2/3/2016 5:49:23 PM"D-don't worry about me...." [b]he smiles weakly before falling unconcious[/b] [i]"W-what did you do?! Is he okay?!"[/i]
"I-i failed." She slumps over and Roger walks in. "What happend?" He asks, his voice shaky.
[i]"wh-what did you fail, miss?"[/i] [b]wheatley still kinda hides from Tara, naturally scared of people[/b]
"He...he's gone." Her voice is weaker than ever. "Tara, you didn't, did you?"
[i]"you didn't fail anything... As far as I can see."[/i]
"Who said that?" She looks around. Roger also searches.
"[i]m-me.[/i]" [b]wheatley pokes his head out of a box, he is noticeably shaking in fear[/b]
They sigh in relief. Tara looks at him. "Why are you so frightened?"
"I-I'm more worried about him..." [b]he nods toward john[/b]
She gulps and looks at Roger. He shrugs.
[b]john suddenly springs to his feet and his eyes dart around for an escape, he screams in an incomprehensible language[/b]
"John, calm down." Roger grabs him.
[b]wheatley says something in that language and calms him down[/b] "ROGER?! WHERE... WHERE AM I?!"
"The ship, you're fine."
"I healed you." Tara replies.
"Oh... Where's Wheatley..." [b]wheatley jumps from the box and hides behind john [/b]
She points to the box.
[b]wheatley pokes his head out[/b] "Who are you people?!"
"I'm Tara, and this is Roger." She gestures towards him.
[b]he closes the box at the sight of Roger in fear[/b]
He smiles. "Don't be scared." "Yeah he may look tough but he's just a big softy."
[b]he climbs out of the box and runs behind John[/b] "Well... I guess he remembers humans..."