[i]Ha-ha. Very funny. It's a new approach but ineffective.[/i]
[b]he starts punching all around the room[/b]
"Yeah, don't judge me mate."
[i]Well, I have to go terrorize people.[/i]
"FITE ME M8! Tara how do I kill it..."
It's gone. She shivers. "I don't know. I'll have to talk to Icarus."
"He's not here right now." She gets up.
"I have some... Disturbing news though..." [b]he pushes the mask up further onto his face[/b] "Mute is... Well... In a better place now..."
She stays there for a moment, a wave of energy flows off her. Her expression changes, but just barely. "Damn Locust." She quietly curses before getting up and leaving.
[b]he follows Tara[/b] "I'm not letting you fight him alone"
She finds her at a familiar window. "I won't." A single tear falls off her face.
"I.. I'm so sorry" [b]he gazes out of the window next to her and throws his arm around her shoulder[/b]
She pushes him away.
"Tara... Please... Let me help you."
"You'll die if you do, they all will." Tears stream down her face.
[b]he hugs her[/b] "It's okay.. I'd be glad to die for someone like you..."
"But..." She falls to her knees.
[b]he stops her from falling and picks her up, laying her down on a nearby bench and sitting in front of it.[/b] "I don't care if I die fighting mate... If I've learned anything from Shepard, it's that there's no more glorious way to die than protecting those you care for..."
"I just want it to end." Her eyes are red with tears.
"I do too... But I will not rest until I can sleep soundly knowing my people are safe, until that day, I fight on." [b]he sits next to her[/b]
She glows a faint blue. "Then you're already dead."
"Not until someone kills me." [b]he smirks[/b]
A ship appears out of the window, Roger is at the helm. "Ah, he fixed the ship." It looks like the Nyx Reaver but not nearly as evil.
"Uhh... What is that?!" [b]he draws the gun and rushes to protect Tara, not knowing what the ship is or that Roger is piloting it[/b]