Currently working on exotic sword. I've heard rocketyard is a good location, but haven't had much success.
Edit: Finished! I got bolt caster!
Rocket yard chest runs
Edited by Bigred91060: 1/31/2016 3:52:21 AMKeep it up. It sucks lol.
Edited by FullMetaZero: 1/31/2016 3:07:25 AMSo it goes like this: First get a ghost that can detect spinmetal and a sniper with a lot of range. Then go into the cosmodrome and there are 4 locations you wanna go in order for. Spawn area, mothyards, the shipyard and the rocketyard. Just scope in with the sniper and it should point out where to find the spinmetal in that area. When your done with one area move on. Then when changing areas you may notice that when you scope in on the next one that no spinmetal will show up. This is normal. You just gotta wait a minute or so for the materials to spawn in. Check it every minute or so and they should pop up pretty quick. Ps. If your a Hunter use your enhanced radar. Hunters are easy mode for this part lol
Vanguard quartermaster
I only farm spinmetal on the first area where you spawn, because is the only place where you don't have to deal with the taken.
The vanguard quarter master......
For me, I would say, get a ghost that gives material drops from engrams for the specific material you want. Then run strikes, just passively playing you should collect a bunch of stuff for free. I have ghosts for all material.
For this particular quest I just stayed in The Steppes. It's bigger than the Rocketyard but you can mostly stay on your Sparrow until you see some Spinmetal (the Rocketyard loop requires you to have to keep jumping off and on again).
Vanguard quartermaster
In your moms pussy
The moon
Monster Hunter - old
The Milky Way Galaxy -
Old Russia.
Rocket yard isn't bad. Run around the outsides for the tunnels.
Edited by The Recluse: 1/31/2016 2:43:03 AMBuy it. With Silver ;) Imagine. LOL. I'd just get it with Leg. Marks.
The tower
Just get a Ghost that can mark spin metal, and, if your skilled enough, if you zoom into a sniper, you can see all the spin metal in the zone you're in so yeah.
Get a sniper, ghost that can track spin metal, and your favorite sparrow. Drive between every location on earth and aim with your sniper and it'll show all nodes in the area that are there. If you're in a new instance ( the only person there) they'll take a bit to spawn in. Farm them all then move to the next area and do it again.
Out here, in the wild.
The vangaurd robot
The tower.