"I must avenge those people John! First Thabolia must be destroyed. Then we shall lead an army with Fenrir to the Avatar plane and destroy Nightmare and the Darkmind completely!" She clenches her fist.
"Tara, calm down. We can't handle them yet.. the Shepards are in tatters from their leaders death, and their just about to lose another one... So I created him." [b]a wisp walks out from behind him, no older than ten. He seems to hide and kind of reclude behind John [/b] "Dark minds followers have poisoned me, and if I can't somehow save myself... He's gonna have to lead the Shepards from then on...."
This gives her pause. "What is his name?" She asks weakly.
"This is Wheatley... He's a clone, just like I was... He's gonna have to lead you guys from now on... Help." [b]john collapses and gasps for air[/b]
She rushes to him. "No." She weakly says before pumping healing magic into him.
"A-are yyyyou okay?" [b]wheatley reluctantly walks over in fear[/b] [i]"h-hello miss... W-who are you?"[/i]
"John, you're the one I'm worried about! I'm Tara."
Edited by Cosmic: 2/3/2016 5:49:23 PM"D-don't worry about me...." [b]he smiles weakly before falling unconcious[/b] [i]"W-what did you do?! Is he okay?!"[/i]
"I-i failed." She slumps over and Roger walks in. "What happend?" He asks, his voice shaky.
[i]"wh-what did you fail, miss?"[/i] [b]wheatley still kinda hides from Tara, naturally scared of people[/b]
"He...he's gone." Her voice is weaker than ever. "Tara, you didn't, did you?"
[i]"you didn't fail anything... As far as I can see."[/i]
"Who said that?" She looks around. Roger also searches.
"[i]m-me.[/i]" [b]wheatley pokes his head out of a box, he is noticeably shaking in fear[/b]
They sigh in relief. Tara looks at him. "Why are you so frightened?"
"I-I'm more worried about him..." [b]he nods toward john[/b]
She gulps and looks at Roger. He shrugs.
[b]john suddenly springs to his feet and his eyes dart around for an escape, he screams in an incomprehensible language[/b]
"John, calm down." Roger grabs him.
[b]wheatley says something in that language and calms him down[/b] "ROGER?! WHERE... WHERE AM I?!"
"The ship, you're fine."
"I healed you." Tara replies.
"Oh... Where's Wheatley..." [b]wheatley jumps from the box and hides behind john [/b]
She points to the box.