[b]he hugs her and turns to the rest of them[/b] "I'm not letting it get to you guys... Evar. Evaaaaaarrrr."
[i]Cute, he thinks I'm beatable.[/i]
"Yeah, I can take you."
[i]How? You can't touch me.[/i]
"Try me."
[i]Or see me for that matter.[/i]
[i]OK, hit me.[/i]
[b]he thinks of punching the guy.[/b]
[i]Ha-ha. Very funny. It's a new approach but ineffective.[/i]
[b]he starts punching all around the room[/b]
"Yeah, don't judge me mate."
[i]Well, I have to go terrorize people.[/i]
"FITE ME M8! Tara how do I kill it..."
It's gone. She shivers. "I don't know. I'll have to talk to Icarus."
"He's not here right now." She gets up.
"I have some... Disturbing news though..." [b]he pushes the mask up further onto his face[/b] "Mute is... Well... In a better place now..."
She stays there for a moment, a wave of energy flows off her. Her expression changes, but just barely. "Damn Locust." She quietly curses before getting up and leaving.
[b]he follows Tara[/b] "I'm not letting you fight him alone"
She finds her at a familiar window. "I won't." A single tear falls off her face.
"I.. I'm so sorry" [b]he gazes out of the window next to her and throws his arm around her shoulder[/b]
She pushes him away.
"Tara... Please... Let me help you."