It technically did with the huge buffs to scouts that everyone seems to be ignoring happened
lol ikr
I would hardly call it huge. I got the gun in July and have hardly noticed anything different about it.
Yeah because it didn't affect anything negatively. And all the buffs did was increase damage, range, reload, and stuff like ads.
Edited by A KOOL POP TART: 1/26/2016 3:01:33 PMOkay, now you sound like you're just making this stuff up. The weapon was always a 4 shot kill weapon, the range has always been medium to long (preferably medium), and the reload and ADS have always been very quick and snappy. Also, I'm assuming that you are referring to this update? Base Damage increased slightly for "Medium" to "High" Rate-of-Fire Scout Rifles.[b] Small adjustment, does not change shots-per-kill in PVP against another Guardian with full health[/b] Magazine Size increased on all base stats (Aka How much ammo you can carry on your person at all times, which does not affect the performance or its SPK) Accuracy when firing from hip is reduced (Really only works with High stability Scouts) Damage done against AI combatants increased by 5% https://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update---09082015/en/News/News?aid=13474