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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by MrBelugaBiscuit: 1/26/2016 1:46:34 PM

Man... jumping back on Diablo III made me realize...

This last weekend I heard D3 had a big patch. So being bored with Destiny, I jumped on... Doing so made me realize how terribly this game is supported... The 2.4 patch in D3 had more things added, more balance, more areas, huge additions to all aspects of the game. And. For .Free. My eyes are no longer clouded. Count my disposable income out Bungie. I mean seriously... They put more effort into a single patch than you have in all yours combined! And. For. Free... Edit: I play on PC FYI. Just learned that the console version is full of cheaters and exploits.

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  • Is it Reaper of Souls or the normal version of D3 that had the additions? I haven't picked up RoS yet, but if it was the normal version then I might go back to it for a bit.

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    • Jumping on a DILDO, man,,,, thats gotta hurt 😨

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    • RNG-based leveling is the worst idea in video game history. Please tell me why I'm still not 320? Oh yeah because after dozens of raid completions I'm still left with 314 boots. So with this I could literally waste 2-3 months and still be 319, no way to impact your own level. Granted I might've not played as much if I had reached 320 earlier, but at least I wouldn't feel the leveling system is designed to keep us playing versus the mindset of actual new content.

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    • Edited by ThisMahSwamp: 1/26/2016 5:14:02 PM
      D3 & 2 were my main games prior to Destiny (with some Borderlands mixed in). I am a loot guy, I love the stuff, that is why I play. There is nothing quite like getting that last piece of a set or setup that turns your build into a melting machine.....but you don't see that in Destiny. The loot here is bland, and that is putting it mildly. Not to mention how atrociously difficult it is to even get loot....which makes ZERO sense to me. I am of the opinion that Destiny/Bungie needs to undergo a similar change as D3/Blizzard went through after its release. It took Blizzard 9 months to turn things around, but once they turned down that road, every aspect of the game improved 10 fold and is continuing to improve via relatively frequent and substantive patching. If you are on US servers and running Seasons, hit me up: [b]oOSlushyOo#1208[/b] profile:

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      • Join us- [b][u]FFXIV[/u][/b].

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      • Lol D3.

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      • I play every day, I'm a diablo 1, 2 and 3 fan most were still in diapers on diablo 1. D3 is not for everyone but the last patch was amazing and I recommend it to all.

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        • And yet you still had found the time to update us all on your gaming status?! That no one wanted to know. If you are going to masterbate, use a moist towel instead of a forum post.

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        • Edited by Yeggsi: 1/26/2016 11:41:16 PM
          [b] [/b]

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        • Gotta keep in mind that D3 1.0 back in 2012/3 w/ the auction house, etc was received very poorly. It took them a few years to get to this point. A more apt comparison would be what D3 2.0 was to TTK. If Destiny can pull off something similar to Rifting in D3 it would quell alot of discontent from the PvE community.

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        • Jah Ith Ber homies, Jah Ith Ber. Maybe some Ko Vex Pul Thul, or maybe Zod in the Eth Perfect HoZ.

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        • Edited by Rei: 1/26/2016 11:39:04 PM
          come on. It took them 2+ years to get to this point with D3. It was pretty shit in the beginning too. I got sick of D3 way faster than i have with Destiny. I don't know what it's like now (edit: because I haven't played in a while), but they also have nothing on PvP. I don't know what's going on with Bungie, but it does seem like they're super underfunded or something.

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          • Edited by TouchGamer: 1/26/2016 6:25:35 PM
            Console isn't to bad. I play with friends and alone only lol. Even with people it's not awful. I don't care if they cheat cuz I don't and that's all that matters... them cheating means things die fast which means profit faster. Edit: but I hear what you're saying. Been playing for a few weeks and I go on destiny and I'm like man... the lack of anything. Which sucks cuz I legit liked destiny... spent a lot of money for this game and this year it has literally been turned to absolute crap.

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          • I just played it this past Fri, Sat and Sun... I had to reinstall it. I went to level 40 on Friday. Hit 70 on Sat, and ran rifts Sun. I finally ended with all green gear.

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            • Diablo 3 is a great game. Sucked majorly in the early days but reaper of souls is insanely fun.

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            • HAHAHA! Same here and loving it! The Loot, ohhhhh the sweet loot and makes you want to grind because there is a light at the end of the loot tunnel! Here? Nah...

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            • If you don't like destiny then don't waste your breath about it, you don't need to brag about Diablo 3 to us just go play the game and leave the rest of us that like destiny alone

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              • oh God the modded things on the XBOX ONE version of D3 are ridiculous i saw someone swinging around a table as their weapon, A BLAMING TABLE XD

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                • Each to there own I guess as I played D3 and found it really boring. I loved D2 back in the day and it was the first online game I played. Spamming the same button just doesn't do it for me and I found myself getting bored after 2weeks.

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                    D3 on console is polluted by cheaters and doesn't have ladders. Waste of time.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Do you just like to hear yourself talk? Or do you have some bottomless attention pit and that's why you post this tripe? Seriously, why do people post these dumb threads? I would love a reasonable, intelligent explanation.

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                      • Lol it was added like almost 2 years after reaper of souls was sold. And I played diablo 3 at launch It was a broken mess. I still play diablo 3. It's fun but it took a long time to get good.

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                        2 Replies
                        • OP. Things. PC. Version. Isn't. Full. Of. Cheaters. And. Exploits. L. O. L.

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                        • So i beat diablo 3 ROS main story and just didn't know what else to do after that? Any help?

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                          • I've been getting back into TF2, Halo and Gears of War

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