"Thank you." *Fenrir takes a cookie and begins to eat it.* "So how are all of you? Do you feel...purposeless in the absence of Nightmare?"
"I'm glad he's gone." Tara replies. Alma: "Me too, he was a pain." Tamamo: "Yeah! He was a meanie." Alipheese: "A truly evil bastard."
"I feel like your names are constantly changing...oh, well. So where is Nightmare, exactly?"
Tara: "He lost his hold on this plane of reality and was driven back to the Avatar plane."
"What would happen, if one were to go into the avatar plane, and attempted to obliterate him once and for all."
"He's Immortal in the Avatar plane but he can't actually do anything from there except whisper in people's ears."
"Sometimes a whisper is more effective than a roar, when the right ears lend towards it."
"True but there is genuinely nothing we can do about it."
[spoiler]So yay or nay to new character?[/spoiler] "I shall try to keep watch, something to keep me busy while I wait for eIcarus to return."
Edited by PyrrhasGhost: 1/24/2016 2:19:10 PM[spoiler]OK [/spoiler] "Alright, tell me if you see anything."
[spoiler]Theres a spoiler below that has a character concept of mine. Didn't want to make him without your okay, since he's somewhat reliant on one of your characters.[/spoiler] "Where should I begin my watch on the Galaxy, that he should not rise while we celebrate?"
[spoiler]It's fine.[/spoiler] "Thabolia, that broken planet is where his influence was strongest."
[spoiler]Alright, I'll make him, tell me if you want changes when he's finished.[/spoiler] "Hmm...strange that I should return to the place where I first died...oh well, I will depart. It was nice speaking with you, and please remember to let Icarus know that I need to speak with him."
"I will."
[spoiler]I finished him. Go check him out, and if you want me to change anything, just tell me. Also, if you're an admin, please accept him.[/spoiler] "Thank you."
[spoiler]He's fine in my book but I'm not an admin.[/spoiler] "OK." They leave. [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I might make a new character. A disciple/worshippers of Nightmare, who works only to free him and become his host. Yay or nay?[/spoiler]