"So, want to go get lunch or something?"
Edited by Nox: 1/23/2016 7:16:36 PM"Gladly" [spoiler]inb4chicken[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nu inb4steak[/spoiler] "Great!" She leads him away from the lounge.
Edited by Nox: 1/23/2016 7:17:26 PM[spoiler]inb4meorthesteak, inb4locust[/spoiler] "Very" [b]He happily follows [/b]
[spoiler]This is Locust?[/spoiler] She heads for her room first and gets a bit dressed up.
[spoiler]I cannot say, it might be or it might not be.....[/spoiler] [b]He waits, softly tapping the ground with the tip of his right foot[/b]
She comes out in a blue blouse with tight jeans. "You ready?"
"Always am"
"Good." She leads him to one of the fancier restaurants.
[b]He yet again happily follows[/b]
The menu has all sorts of things on it from steak to shrimp. "So what are you getting?"
"My favorite type of meat, chicken, of course"
"And I think I'll get some shrimp." The waiter takes their orders and leaves.
Edited by Nox: 1/24/2016 4:53:56 PM"So, how have you been?" [b]He asks as he turns to her [/b]
"Eh, alright. I had to fight Nightmare so."
"I still want to know about that fight"
"Well, he had his ship and Shepard tried to stop him so me and Roger had to save his butt. We managed to distract Nightmare long enough for Roger to crush through the crystal. Then I found out me and him aren't even human after I stitched space and time back together. It was really stressful."
"Hold up..... You aren't human? "
"No, I'm an 'Astral', some kind of being formed from the union of holy and demonic magic. It's kind of overwhelming. I'm still me though."
"Yeah, I try not to think about it much."
"What us it?" She asks after the Waite brings their food.
"Parasite has been shifting"
"Oh." She begins to eat.