"Well I had to fight an evil beast in space and stitch reality back together."
"You missed that didn't you, but yeah we beat Nightmare."
"That's good, I guess"
"Thanks." She smiles.
"I've just been around"
"Well I'm glad to see you."
"Can say the same about you"
She smiles and wraps her arms around him.
[b]He happily returns the favour, also smiling[/b]
"So, want to go get lunch or something?"
Edited by Nox: 1/23/2016 7:16:36 PM"Gladly" [spoiler]inb4chicken[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Nu inb4steak[/spoiler] "Great!" She leads him away from the lounge.
Edited by Nox: 1/23/2016 7:17:26 PM[spoiler]inb4meorthesteak, inb4locust[/spoiler] "Very" [b]He happily follows [/b]
[spoiler]This is Locust?[/spoiler] She heads for her room first and gets a bit dressed up.
[spoiler]I cannot say, it might be or it might not be.....[/spoiler] [b]He waits, softly tapping the ground with the tip of his right foot[/b]
She comes out in a blue blouse with tight jeans. "You ready?"
"Always am"
"Good." She leads him to one of the fancier restaurants.
[b]He yet again happily follows[/b]
The menu has all sorts of things on it from steak to shrimp. "So what are you getting?"
"My favorite type of meat, chicken, of course"
"And I think I'll get some shrimp." The waiter takes their orders and leaves.
Edited by Nox: 1/24/2016 4:53:56 PM"So, how have you been?" [b]He asks as he turns to her [/b]
"Eh, alright. I had to fight Nightmare so."