[i]"This is an unstable time my friend, the world in on the edge of destroying itself, you must do what is necessary to ensure the survival of our nation and preventing war... Because war has changed
Instead of thousands of men fighting on a muddy field with guns and bombs, now it's now about launching long range missiles and killing millions, its your responsibility to stop the apocalypse!"[/i]
Joining the RP[spoiler]make a bio and make a short into[/spoiler]
Setting[spoiler]1960s, with computers, internet, absurd gadgets like lazer pens and space stations
But still with aesthetic of fashion and music
Basically like archer[/spoiler]
Affiliations[spoiler]the United Nations, to preserve freedom and stop radical communism, spear headded by America and Britain
The communists, make a united union of the people for the people and stop those pigs from crushing the proletariat! Lead by China and Russia
The global crime syndicate, determined to make money and bring governments to their knees.
League of The International Negotiation and Terrorism
Known As LTINT and there goal is to make their mark on the world and are guided by the rich and powerful, there lead by 8 chairmen and one man known as Dr Lint, a dashing megalomaniac. [/spoiler]
Classes[spoiler]spy: charming, swave the main man of the espionage game, they can go in and out before the enemy knew there was a security breach.
Analyst: does all the desk work and inteligance, they have a nack for intelligence and has control of bugs and makes use of surroundings.
undercover agent: Most dangerous, they go around and blend in with society, it could be anyone, and they are trained to kill and dissapear.
Hacker: computers are are new technology and are incorporated in all systems, it would deadly if a person can get into any system, thankfully nuclear launch systems are basic wiring. They use computers to hack into any system, tamper with it, manipulate it.
Affiliation required classes[spoiler]UN required, 00 agent: most skilled and most abrupt, meant to run into the field and finish the mission with their licence to kill. And have a deadly proficiency with any weapon.
Communists required, sleeper agent: a result of voluntarily and systematic brain washing, trained in every known combat art and are an enigma that can do a lot with a simple phrase
LTINT of Syndicate required: mercenary, unique and deadly, they have a different characteristic for each person.
It's a diverse world with Russian meatheads, big game snipers and black Scottish Cyclops'.[/spoiler]
Reachable locations[spoiler]west Berlin, west Germany
East Berlin, east Germany
Moscow, Russia
London, UK
The Caribbean
Southern Africa
Tokyo, Japan
Saigon, south Vietnam[/spoiler]
[spoiler]standard RP conduct
No massacres or public killings in enemy territories, that would destabilise the climate.
Keep it stealthy, its not another war thread
Got it? [/spoiler]
Join the RP foundry today!
Back again to serve our countries and prevent the apocalypse!
Pavel reminisced about the mi-24s his unit used to use, that was a magnificent helicopter. Expertly made by the Soviet people, the small airplane he rode in now was nothing like that. It jostled every few seconds and the local pilot was likely drunk.
He arrived at the small bush airport. The small dirt landing strip was located in the African nation looked inconsequential. It was, the three vehicles already present were local communist military. The KGB agent walked over to the major who was there to greet him.
"Hello captain."
That was his 'cover', a spetsnaz captain, not so far from his current position as a major.
"Hello major, how goes the war."
"Eh, not so good. The rebels are being supplied and supported by the west. New weapons and the like."
"That is why I am here comrade, the Kremlin is tired of the west propping up the floundering counterrevolution."
The pair walked to the major's car and drove to a remote location. Pavel looked over the files he and his countrymen had collected. That's when he started to feel...funny. He looked at the major with contempt, he knew he'd been drugged.
"I'm sorry 'comrade' but you've become quite a nuisance to my friends, and no not the Americans. They are just as clueless as you."
The Russian began to fade into unconsciousness but he still reached for his makorov. The major punched him in the face and fought with him over the pistol. Normally the Russian would have won that fight, but drugged he was weakened. Eventually he lost consciousness and when he awoke he was alone, in a cell, without his gear.
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