[b]he turns back to a spider and crawls up the wall[/b] "Bro... You honestly thought..."
The wall explodes and the air is filled with flames.
"IVE DONE IT!" [b]he is sent flying into an airvent[/b]
[b]"What exactly?"[/b] Flames tear through the vents.
[b]he jumps through another vent.[/b] "Yer blowing up your own ship, mate."
The damage caused by the fire is instantly gone. [b]"No I'm not."[/b]
"Cool, doesn't make a difference to me, mate. Now you gonna hide behind your mystical Hindu and that BS, or are you actually gonna get something done? Your stupid "fear mongers" sure aren't getting you anywhere, and I'm not leaving until someone pulls me out, you die, or I do..." [b]he draws a sword[/b]
Nightmare's sword appears through Shepard's chest. A numbing pain soon follows. [b]"You might have a bad time.[/b]
[b]he is numb.. He does not feel the blow and still flies to the side. He activates a beacon he kept in a pocket, alerting the Avalon and any nearby people to the readers presence, and the immediate threat[/b]
Tara senses the beacon and tries to open a telepathy channel but finds it blocked. She alerts the others and the get a ship. [b]"You're going to die here."[/b] Nightmare slowly approaches him. [spoiler]Cry because no one gets the Undertale reference.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]*is an undertale hater*[/spoiler] "Yeah... I know...."
[spoiler]Cri evryteim[/spoiler] Suddenly the wall explodes. A ship can be seen with Roger at the guns. "Shepard! Run!" Nightmare growls. [b]"No!"[/b] He flings dark energy at the ship and traps Shepard to the floor with a sort of evil slime.
[b]he tugs incredibly hard at the goo, completely losing his leg in the proccess, and crawls toward the ship[/b]
Tara appears in the window and forms a magical bridge. "Hurry, I can't hold it long.!" [b]"You! Will! Not! ESCAPE!"[/b] Nightmare grabs his sword and slams it into the bridge before tossing Shepard into the center. It cracks.
[b]he screams a gut curdling noise and bursts into a black light. A strange, maskless man remains. He is completely pitch black with red glowing red eyes and red clothing. Large spider like limbs protrude from his back, which pull him into the ship, grabbing his sword[/b]
[spoiler]theres a demon living inside of him, azazael.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh, OK.[/spoiler] Nightmare pulls his sword away and smiles sickly. [b]"You are a fool."[/b] In the other ship Roger looks dumbfounded. "What?" Tara looks on, ominously. "Azazael."
[b]he simply walks foreward, silently, and stares deeply into nightmares eyes... The flames of hell are burning in his own, the screams and horrible cries for help are faint behind them as you can only see the bloodied handprints from behind them. He simply walks foreward, and draws the shield and spear... Silently[/b]
The evil power gives Nightmare a feeling of delight. [b]"We may have been partners in another time."[/b]
[b]he simply walks foreward and takes the sword, which burns in his hand slightly. Gives you a nod, and walks back toward the ship[/b]
He smiles, evily. Roger looks panicked and readies the ships weapons. Tara stops him and stands there, silently.
[b]he walks into the ship and quickly turns back to the now armless and eyeless Shepard[/b] "GO!"
Nightmare remains silent. Roger whispers "What's going on?" "Just watch."
[b]shepard takes the sword and Moves toward the ship, azazael just... Stares t him. His lack of a mouth only adding to his ominicity. His head tilts to the side, confused[/b] "Let them go..."