Nothing happens and a chill passes through the room. The air is heavy and scratching can be heard at the edge of the room. The attack comes from below, a wave of energy the throws Shepard into the air before throwing him into a wall.
[b]azazael jumps out of the ship with a woo! And flies around in front of nightmare, Shepard floats out after him, both laughing and Doug flips and other stuff[/b] [spoiler]#bestdistraction2016[/spoiler]
Nightmare looks annoyed and points his finger at them, it is glowing a black light. Tara assists in the distraction. Roger counts down. "3, 2..."
[b]they look at the beam and shrug, not really crying over the spilled milk of immenant death. [/b]
Nightmare looses the beam. At the same time Roger explodes from the cannon with rocket boots and punches right through the crystal, destroying it. The beam stops just centimeters from them.
[b]they grab Roger and float along with him back to the ship, both of them promptly passing out from oxygen deprivation[/b] "Did I do it....?" [b]shepard says before falling unconcious[/b]
Tara sends them oxygen and then goes over to Nightmare. His power is draining from the hole. [i]N-no. How can this b-be? Victory was within my grasp.[/i] ...She says nothing. [i]I had all the universe IN MY CLAWS![/i] ... [i]No![/i] He reaches to his left and right, arms outstretched. With the last of his corporeal power he grabs the fabric of reality and tears it asunder.
[b]shepard jumps to his feet and shoves Tara out of the way, if the tear was to take anyone.. It would be him. [/b]
The tear sucks him towards it but somehow he is again on the ship. Tara stands before the tear. She grabs the edges and trembles. Her being is weekend by the tear. Nightmare is extremely weak now but speaks. [i]No...humans can not...touch the fabric.[/i] [spoiler]Shepard can't get near, a strange presence blocks him.[/spoiler]
"Leave... Her... OUT OF THIS!" [b]he charges the tear with the sword and attempts to jump into it[/b]
He is stopped by an invisible force. Tara trembles as she pulls the edges of the rip closer to each other. [i]What? How?[/i] A holy voice rings out. [u]She is no human.[/u]
"Neither am I, friend." [b]he charges toward the portal again, azazael joining him this time[/b]
They are stopped again. The voice rings out. [u]I am sorry but Tara will not allow interference. This choice is hers alone.[/u] She draws the edges closer, arms shaking violently.
"NO! I WONT LET THIS HAPPEN!" [b]he continues to throw himself at the portal, over and over again[/b]
The edges touch just as the barrier gives. [u]She has decided to let you in.[/u] She is no longer shaking and breathing heavily. Nightmare utters one final scream, and vanishes.
[b]he jumps into the portal, azazael in close pursuit?[/b] "WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU MORGAN FREEMAN...." [u]"yeah... Pretty sure that's Morgan freeman."[/u]
[i]Icarus actually.[/i] Tara just floats and Roger comes out of the ship.
[b]shepard fumbles his way to her, tackling her in a hug. Aze just sorts floats there[/b] "[u]sooo are you Morgan freeman? Cuz Morgan freeman plays God in like, every movie... And am I still your enemy? Am I about to be sucker punched across the face by some kind of Jesus army?"[/u]
[u]Nah, you're cool.[/u] Tara is unconscious but breathing.
[b]he quickly fumbles upward and holds her in his arms[/b] "MEDIIIIIC! AZE WE NEED A MEDIIIIIC!" [u]"don't ask me, man.... Ask the magical disembodied Morgan freeman voice, he's way better educated in such things than me... Also can you like, show yourself? This is kinda creeping me out, mate."[/u]
[u]Oh yes.[/u] Tara is healed. She opens her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?!" [b]he still carries her[/b] [u]"so... Who are you? Where am I? What is this and WHY DID TARA ALMOST DIE FOR US TO GET HERE?!"[/u]
[u]I am Icarus, the chief angel. This is the Astral realm and it is where Tara and Roger are from originally. As for your last question, she refused my help.[/u] "Shepard? Did we win?"
"Yes... We did... And I'm so sorry for forcing you through that...."
"Through what?"
Edited by Cosmic: 1/23/2016 1:27:00 PM"You had to Banish an actualization of evil to hell... Alone." [b]he hugs her tightly[/b] "And it won't happen again... Atleast not to you... Ever." "[u]I SWEAR TO GOD ANGEL DUDE, WHERE ARE YOU?![/u]" [b]azazael still searches the area for him[/b]