I hope 2016 is filled with less retards and less offended people.
What makes you lose faith?
What makes you gain some faith back?
Something truly positive to me is that today my dad turned 96 and is very healthy. He cant hear very well anymore and drives me nuts sometimes but he is the sweetest father and im glad he is still with me.
Edit 1: *sigh* there is lots of stupidity but I learned a few things from some posts. In the end not everything is absolutely terrible.
[quote]I hope 2016 is filled with less retards and less offended people.[/quote] Yeah not gonna happen
I teeter toter throughout my faith in humanity throughout the week, sometimes I see somebody who completely disregards all logic on the Internet, and sometimes I see a guy who devotes his life to helping orphans.
Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo
Bramd - old
What the literal -blam!-. I would have said OP is fgt, but then I saw that picture, and realized that humans [i]are[/i] retarded -
This post.
What we've done to our planet. I mean come on, this planet is a [b][i][u]RARE[/u][/i][/b] sight among the stars. If there is an Earth-like out there, I hope we're closer to warp technology than I thought, cause I [i]really[/i] want off this planet.
Edited by Some Black Guy: 1/19/2016 2:42:40 PMLack of altruism. Feminazis who don't accept statistical facts and logic that debunk their rhape culture, wage gap myths. Some inequality issues still existing towards minorities. Society using celebrity gossip as a means to alleviate their own problems. Children using more technological devices than adults. News not reporting actual news, but focusing on the constant race bait stories. Trump can say anything like (we need to kill their families to stop terrorism) and people will still praise him.
Ohhh. I don't know. When people actually started supporting Trump. When I think of all the countless wars. When people hated others because of their religion. When Drake made hotline bling. When people thought fettywap is the best artist ever. When I learned that all guys at my school enjoyed this video of a girl being -blam!- then whipped with a belt. [spoiler]Don't ask about the last one. -_-[/spoiler]
babyself is an awesome word. :D I now have a renewed faith. :D
I didn't think people could get any more stupid, and then I saw that.
Trump actually getting supporters
People in general. I'm just playing along until the one day I can finally be at rest
When I saw gay marriage become legal
McDonalds doesn't have a $1 menu anymore!
Young thugg
#Destiny It is the gaming side of tumblr. They identify as hunters, titans, and warlocks, no one ever gets a joke on there, everyone is kind of offended by anything, their trigger word tends to be nerf, and any post that receives negative remarks will get an edit calling it b8. Sooner or later they'll start saying hunter privilege and that warlock mains are oppressed because they're a minority.
mlp, undertale, fnaf, furries, weeaboos. Tumblr in general. feminists, #blacklivesmatter, trump supporters, Hillary supporters, bernie supporters, isis( linda will destroy you ), retards with guns, inbred southern children. The list goes on.
I lost faith when your moms gag reflex returned
Faith in humanity....lost that AGES ago..now what made me lose it...gimme a sec *Puts on reading glasses and opens a giant record book* This may take a while
Ill break everyone's snouts first
Discriminating against people because of one's religious beliefs is a pretty shitty thing for people to do.