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Edited by FJFSOM656: 2/19/2016 5:05:20 PM

Titan Story Chp 27.4 (Collaboration Chapter!): Court is Now in Session

[spoiler]Some of these characters belong to Paradox1055 and are used for the purpose of a crossover series[/spoiler] I stood next to James and Blake as the portal glowed a dull green and hissed to life. It glowed ominously before three figures came out. The first was a large pale white and green Ogre shrouded in a milky white shield followed by two Knights, one Taken and the other not. The Ogre roared in anger as it slammed the ground in rage and came down the left stairwell while the two Knight went down the right. Charles stared at the enemies. "Those are some ugly mother f..." "Charles!? It is 'trucker'. Keep it PG. There are kids here..." said Susan as she appeared by James' shoulder. "Oookkk?... I don't think Josiah constitutes as a child." "Please just shut up Charles." I said as I steadied my stance and aimed up. I shut off my comm link to the others except for who I was fighting with to avoid any distractions. "That's it?" Blake said as he pulled out his trusted Scout rifle. "Well this ought to be fun as long as nothing expl... " As he spoke, multiple flaming blue heads began to rise from the black pools on the edge of the platform. The Cursed Thrall advanced for the group, shrieking loudly. "You got to be kidding me..." "Well atleast I'm in my element." James said as he loaded his rocket launcher and moved out of the line of sight. More enemies began to spawn all around us. I dashed to cover as the Ogre targeted me first. Purple projectiles bounced off of the rock face as I tried my best to pick of enemies from around the corner. James aimed up and easily picked off a group of Thrall that had appeared under the stage as Blake put his attention to the two Knights. He unloaded bullets into their hide but the shields they had absorbed the bullets like sponges. "It's no good they got some sort of shielding!" "May I suggest trying to draw them together?" Susan observed after studying the two Knights. "What kind of gimmick is that? Are the Hive really the cheap tactics kind?" Blake said as he tried to grab the Ogre's attention instead. "Might work..." I said as I Disintegrated a Thrall. "I'll work on that." "Roger." James said as he put another rocket into a group of enemies. "Look over here you stupid..." Blake paused as he listened to his comms. "Look guys... Learning is nice and all but can it wait till after we beat the enemies!?... S***!!..." Blake yipped and ducked behind a wall as Ogre roared and focused on him. I pulled out my shotgun as the normal Knight charged at me. I moved as it swung and let a shot roar into its face. It didn't even flinch as it lifted it's sword up and swung at me again. "You know, not to sound like a sentient paperweight..." Charles said as I dodged the second swing. "But Susan's plan makes a little sense." "Feel free to help me then!" I barked as I chucked my magnet grenade at the Knight and ran off as it was briefly dazzed. "Not sure if I can... you are doing so well..." "Blake! Some help would be nice! We need them together!" I shouted as the Knight gave chase to me. "Little occupied! I need some... Shut up Alan! Doc! Ah f*** it!..." Blake slammed the side of his helmet and begins fighting off the horde while still avoiding the Ogre's fire. "Language!" Susan said angrily at Blake. "Every Hunter has their bulls... crap ways, now shut up... I'm concentrating." said James to apparently the others as he steadied his rocket launcher. He let a rocket fly towards the Ogre. As it struck, the pale shield appeared and absorbed the damage, barely phasing the Ogre. The splash damage from the rocket managed to kill a nearby cursed thrall, letting explode in a blue ball of fire. It suddenly caused the Ogre to roar in pain as the shield broke and the beast collapsed briefly. Blake took a potshot at the Ogre and the round pierced the beast's hide. "THAT'S IT?! CHEAP TATICS?!" "Oh, now I really do have a plan..." James reloaded his launcher and began to sprint towards the enemies. "James dear, don't do anything stupid. I can't revive you here." warned Susan as she floated by his side. "You're b****ing like my wife again, Susan." James grumbled as he led a pack of Cursed Thrall around while dodging enemy fire. "I thought she was your wife!" mocked Blake as he covered his friend and me. James simply flipped off Blake with his free hand as he slammed his launcher into a Knight to topple it over. "Well there goes that opportunity..." Charles said as I ducked from incoming fire. Susan giggled slightly. "Well, I found him in a car accident, you see. When I revived him, he proposed..." She was obviously playing along to the joke. "You all are jacka**es..." said James as he lead the Thrall near the Ogre. "Touching story really... now James blow this thing up!" Blake said as he avoided the Taken Knights fire. "And not yourself!" "Blake, I'm five steps ahead of you." I moved to the back of the arena and placed a Ward of Dawn around myself. I watched the two Titans coordinate their next move as I tried to cover them. "You seem a bit whoozy." Charles explained, scanning me. "Your aim is off." "All because of you..." "No your aim is off because you aren't pointing at their HEADS. Hit the head!" "Clam it!" "Just keep James covered!" Blake jumped from cover and was spamming the Chaperone at the Hive when they got too close. "Back off!!" James had managed to lead the Thrall around the Ogre and hopped up to the stage. "Get ready to explo..." He suddenly was pushed forward as a rogue Thrall exploded behind him and he landed right at the feet of the Ogre. He grunted and looked up. The Ogre roared and raised its arms up with the Thrall all around. "Oohhh-" James began. "Keep it PG..." inturrupted Susan. "Truck..." The Ogre slapped the ground, causing the Thrall to explode, leaving it vulnerable and sending James spiraling into the membrane blocking the exit. He comically slid down it and collapsed to the ground in my Ward, dissapearing as Susan took his place. "Son of a..." James said as I revived him. Blake laughed. "Still exploding yourself?!" The Ogre stood back up despite all the damage it took and regained it's shields. "Always like you to explode like that!" The Ogre noticed Blake and slowly advanced towards him. "You take a break and leave it to..." The Ogre came to a stop behind him and roared. Blake paused and turned slowly to look. "Ah hell..." The Ogre brought it mighty arms down and crushed Blake. His body went limp and stayed there before dissapearing, without Doc reappearing. "Oh crap!..." Charles said as I stood their in mild shock. James growled and ran back into battle, rockets at the ready. I steady my aim and cover his back as he caused more damage to their numbers. After a short time, I heard Blake on the comms. "F***!" I sighed in relief at him being ok. He continued to arguing with someone. "Hang on now we got this! I'm just getting warmed up!" Seconds later, he lunged past me and charged into battle. He picks off a few enemies swiftly only to die by the blast of a Cursed Thrall. "F***ing Thrall!" He yells loudly seconds later. I hid behind cover as my Ward dropped. "This isn't going well..." I mumbled as I helped James. "Seriously!? I can get up myself! Why am I always being dragged into this?!" I glanced back to see Morin push Blake back into battle and hops in himself to join the fray. Morin nods to me and pulls out a shotgun. He charges to the Knights and starts to slowly chip off their health to help us out. Blake pulls out the Chaperone and again tries to defend James before dying once more. "The f***! The actual f***!!! This is..." His voice cut out suddenly. "I took the liberty of saving you the effort, consider it my apology." Charles said happily. "Thanks..." I mumbled as I continued to aid everyone in their efforts. Morin was doing very well soloing the Knights. He acted calm and patiently to deal as much damage as possible. James was gathering Thrall once more for another big explosion. "Are you sure this is all necessary?..." I asked James. "I know what I'm doing half the time." James said simply as he lead his band of explosives to the Ogre. As I helped further, I looked back and saw Blake walking towards the arena with a sword hilt in his hand. He walked in dead silence and he seemed very tense and angered, very different from earlier. I blinked and called to him. "Blake what's up?" He ignored me and continued walking. He pulled out what looked like a Heavy Synthesis and jammed it into the empty hilt. As he tossed the empty cartridge aside, a very large sword extended from the hilt. It had wave like patterns in the blade and a purple crystal rested at its base. He advanced forward towards the Ogre silently. "I'm blowin' s*** up!" yelled James as he launched a rocket into the fray of Thrall. Their explosion brought down the Ogre's shields and it tumbled to the ground once more. Blake stopped just infront of the Ogre and popped a Ward. He stood rather still as the Ward started to alter slightly and slowly come apart. link to chapter 27 link to chapter 27.7

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  • Edited by FJFSOM656: 6/24/2016 9:14:47 PM link to Main Table of contents link to Table of Exotic Contents link to Table of Discussion Topics link to Paradox1055s Table of contents

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