It's offical guys, my campaign to stop cyberbullying has started. I started this campaign when me and someother people were getting cyber bullied and we decided we didn't want it anymore. #cyberSTOP. Special thanks to TNP™ for helping me through this time. I mean I guess I could just mute them or log out but I'm too retarded for that.
Bump for KrazyGamerGirl
Bramd - old
I don't think it's good to put that you're going to stop cyberbullying at the place where you were cyberbullied. -
[quote]I mean I guess I could just mute them or log out but I'm too retarded for that.[/quote]If your problem is solved by doing this, it isn't cyberbullying, it's just someone being a dick.
All you need to do is mute, block or take a step away
But I like stop signs...
Edited by KrayZGamerGirl: 1/17/2016 11:08:24 PMReported for plagiarism and stealing.
I say we all hold hands and help each other bandage our wrist cuts.
3 in 5 kids develop severe PTSD from surfing the web on average 20 minutes a day. Put an end to this outrage.
Edited by Draconis Ark: 1/17/2016 10:30:42 PMStaph de haresmnt. Aye git haresd liek krayZ fur beeng man #cyberSTOP
the internet is a blessing don't be a skrub
How about #CyberEDUCATION and teach retarded people how to function
Why not #CyberOFF and encourage kids to turn off the computer or phone
Edited by Vicon7015: 1/17/2016 10:37:44 PMThere is a tecnology for this anti-cyberbullying thing. It is called turn-off-the-f*cking-computer. You should get more KNAWLEGE OP. So you can hav moar Lamborginis and weenys and start this U-only-get-bullied-if-u-want campain. Good luck lecttuce I am out
[b] [/b]
Edited by DrawnGlobe: 1/18/2016 2:34:24 AMJust give them the link to or whatever it was. [spoiler]Link not actually linked to that site.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Trust me.[/spoiler]
People will not stop bullying. It's part of human nature.
*Flops* Cyberbullying is bullshit. Unless someone ruins your reputation IRL, you can just make it go away with a mute button.
[url=]Oh no[/url]
Dammit Bardick.
[quote]I mean I guess I could just mute them or log out but I'm too retarded for that.[/quote] Well then get smart and mute them. There is no other way.
People who think going Amish is a reasonable reaction to cyberbullying are pretty dense.
Welcome to b8 city, population: OP