[b]Raidriar cuts him with a dagger, and he starts to heal.[/b]
[b]he crawls away from the knife, still desperately clinging onto consciousness[/b] "Lies... Lies even from those I trust...."
"Lies? What do you mean?"
"Y-your trying to... To kill me..." [b]he slowly fades out of consciousness, but fights it back, knowing it will kill him[/b]
"The dagger... Heals people if I want it to. Thought you knew that."
"So why haven't you killed me..." [b]his breathing gets very faint and quiet, both his breathing and heart rate slow to a near stop[/b]
[b]This time he slices faster than Shepard can see, and it begins to heal him.[/b]
[b]he kind of wakes up from a daydream, looking really confused, then dissapointed [/b] "N-no, Willow..."
"We're you thinking about Willow?"
".... You know those weird dreams you have before you die.... Yeah."
"I've never almost died, so I wouldn't know."
"It's... Horrible."
"I guessed."
"It's like waving a fresh piece of meat in front of a tiger you had senselessly beaten and hasn't eaten in two months...."
"That tiger would be dead and rotting."
[b]He smacks Radriar across the face[/b] "ITS A HYPOTHETICAL STATEMENT, YOU LETTUCE.... What I'm saying is it's like torture, I see them... All of them, in a field.. I run toward them and I'm always blocked by something, a bandit, a death monger, a large wall... I can't get to them, and occasionally have to watch them die... And it's all. So. Vivid it feels real...."
"You're the first person to ever have enough courage to slap me. I respect that."
"Eh. I got nothin to lose anymore, so it's not like there was any real consequence" [b]he laughs[/b]
"Death was a consequence."
Edited by Cosmic: 1/15/2016 2:05:18 AM"Death is a very non-punishing consequence"
"I work for God. He'd probably send you to the deepest of hells."
"Yeah? That's likely where all my peeps are.. So I mean... How horrible can it get?"
"I could bring them back, you know."
"Ehh.... I've talked to everyone about it, no one can"
"I can bring them back to life. It's not that hard."
"Who says they want to be back?!"