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Edited by Nick: 1/6/2016 7:20:22 PM

Oryx Challenge is Impossible

Its too hard, its basically impossible. I cant use the no knight strat and its too hard any other way. Can anyone give me some tips or help me? I play on the Xbox One if youre willing to help. Edit 1: For all you kids telling me to git gud or calling me a skrub please stop it really hurts my feelings Edit 2: 90% of you kids saying youre better than me are filthy liars Edit 3: Seems like titans are a crutch for this part can anyone confirm?

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  • titans are essential for the way we ran, bring as many as possible, 2 in the middle with a weapons and blessing bubble and melt the ogres, hit them as soon as they appear, stop them from moving, sometimes teleporting. Touch of malices melt them quick and the middle titans take care of the 4th night.Our team was 3 titans, 2 warlocks, revives really help, plus the 3rd titan can pop his bubble if things get hairy, last was a nightstalker hunter to run and create orbs with his super.I imagine it's possible without the defenders, but they really help.

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  • Git gud use no land beyond and the lower light the better. If it doesn't take more than 4 sniper headshot to kill a knight ur bad

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  • Edited by Vyszalaks: 1/9/2016 5:35:38 AM
    Have the three platformers pick an order: first platform in rotation is assigned to one person, second in rotation is assigned to the next person, and so on. Put two people up on top of the Sisters' platform and have them run bubble titans, one Blessing and one Weapons. People on the platforms AND on top are killing orges. The second your platform's ogre is down, you look across the map to where the knight will spawn. You hit the knight across from you, not on your platform. It's much easier. Get the Knights down before you go up top. Keep an eye out for Acolyte Eyes, one usually spawns in the back and sometimes I think in the front, too. Shoot those as soon as they pop or they will murder you. After last blight rotation, when you're about to detonate, do this: 1) stun oryx, 2) everybody clear adds, should take a couple seconds, 3) call "Run to your blights in 3, 2, 1," or something like that, and everybody step in at once, 4) while this is happening the relic runner should be shooting his chest continuously to prevent it from closing. Relic runner and 6th member should watch for everybody's names, and call them back when they appear 4 full times. E: I shouldn't have taken the time to write this. Why spend the time baiting people, OP, why?

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      Pacific Rimjawb - old

      It is when you roll into a PUG and neither titan has a fuggin Touch! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??!! Not plate guys job to kill your ogres. Sure Ill help but If I've done 75% damage before you even get there SHIT AIN'T HAPPENIN for the squad. FFS

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      • I'll help you mate

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        [spoiler]This is b8 right?[/spoiler]

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        • I agree. I mean I can't do it on normal so yea I'm bad. Ogres teleport or people mess up. Never done it and never will

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        • Look at his glimmer, he has finished it!!

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          • [url=]Fat Guy Dancing[/url]

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            • Some tips I wrote on another post. [u][i][b]PLATFORMS[/b][/i][/u] 1 jump up 2 prenade the ogre (lead it so of the dps in the middle isn't great it won't walk forward into the aoe) 3 spam it with primary till it dies 4 RELOAD primary (this is a step alot of people miss but you should so that later when an alocoyt eye is spamming you or a taken centurion is trying to hit you, your not damaging yourself while trying to save yourself. 5 locate your knight, drop it (head and body will do with a 1000yard) 6 if there is a taken centurion by your knight the is an alcoyts eye somewhere around you. One shot from your 1000 yard will kill it but obviously it needs to die so keep it out find and kill it. The centurion might launch one of his orbs shoot it with primary or special. 7 (optional) be a bro and help with the knight by you nade it spam it with touch whatever. 8 (if on platform 1 and on either oryx left OR door right and the relic runner is a warlock) snipe ogre 4 help the people in the middle as ogre 4 is the one they usually have the least help with. BUT abandon platform asap expecially with low health get your ass to the bubbles safety. 9. Mentally check where 4th knight should be, help spam it down or go kill vessel. Mentally double check oryx location be ready to stagger 10. After staggering oryx move up with group to take out the adds on either side of the blight [b]PRO TIP[/b]if you have a relic with the perk "chance to spawn an orb on precision kill of a taken enemy" that comes in handy a 318 with a 320 touch will 1 hit alcoyts so be a bro a generate some orbs. 11 don't die in shade Realm if you can self rez take the hit in shade Realm it's better for you to die than anybody else otherwise spam quiliums terminus or 1000yard stare (I've killed shade before he could even slam the first time of you tether and snipe the crap out of him it can be done) if you have an extra blessing bubble use it more armour never hurt anybody. 12. Repeat! [[b][u][u]FOR THE RUNNER[/u][/u][/b] 1. Equip raze lighter. 2. Max agility (duh) 3. Use the boots (duh) 4. Jump up on the platform as soon as oryx draws back his fist. (Pull out raze lighter before jumping up increased armour while carrying sword applies here and with your maxed agility you might need it. 5. Run platforms (duh) 6.[b]CLEARLY ANNOUNCE WHEN YOU ARE ABOUT TO GET RELIC OR HAVE IT[/b] mic delay is a thing and some of your platforms might be getting hit we want them safe In the bubble asap. 7. Orient the camera before slamming not after, you can steal the brand before the vessel even hits the ground. 8. Sword the vessel ( it's so much easier when the runner just handles it then the rest of the group can handle the 4th knight or clearing adds or just mentally preparing to stagger oryx) 2 uppercut from raze lighter will do the trick 9 get to middle and focus on oryx chest precall out when to focus remember mic delay in a thing 10 shoot oryx chest (duh) 11 after staggering move up to shoot the thrall on either side of shade blight. 12 after getting put in shade Realm if there are a ton of adds use your sword to clear whatever is close to you but don't go to crazy oryx is key. 13. If your a self rez warlock when oryx charges take the hit... but just before you do uppercut him ;) [b][i][u]FOR THE BUBBLE BROS[/u][/i][/b] 1. Touch of malice (duh) 2. Weapons of light (duh) 3. Blessing of light (duh) 4. ILLUMINATED seriously this will take your weapons from a 25% buff to a 35% and will give you that much stronger of an over shield with blessing seriously run illuminated just do it your bubble will cool down on its own. (Note if one of your bubble Bros dosent have his subclass leveled all the way[Christmas noob or idiot] Have them run weapons as you'd rather have a little stronger protection in the bubble and if you follow the following steps the ogres will be dropping quickly anyway. 5. Bastion makes bubbles last from when oryx slams until he staggers... what more do you want obvious. 6. You really want to run 1 of 2 helmets option 1 is the raid helm "take that" buffs your precision damage to taken enemies I noticed it taking my damage from 3k to above 4k obviously a worth while choice. The other is a year 1 favorite in helm of Saint 14. If your runner isn't running a sword and your group is having trouble with the vessel it helps to have him trapped blind in a bubble while you stagger oryx. Other worthwhile choices ruin wings or Armamentium. 7. Decide in advance who will get the 4th set of bombs 8. After clearing the thrall and knights in the begining don't reload your touch or if you do shoot it down to 2 or 3 left in the mag. 9. Pop bubble a second after oryx slams 10. Massacre ogres. 11. On the 4th ogre both titans should prenade then spam malace [b](Note if 4th ogre is oryx right there's a little object on the ground you can get hung up on while trying to go back in the bubble me mindfull of it I've seen it cause a few wipes.)[/b] 12. Locate where 4th knight will first appear I think it takes 3 head shots from a overcharged wol Tom but whatever kill it. 13 stagger. 14. You CAN drop a BoL in shade Realm but even with teir 5 intellect and orbs on the ground it can be difficult to recharge by the next time you need it. But if someone is about to die just do it. You can recharge of your buddy's bubble but you have to wait a couple seconds after they pop it so if you do have them pop the weapons bubble a second sooner so you can get yours up and both be shooting ogres on time. 15 repeat. [b][i][u]CONTINGENCY PLANS[/u][/i][/b] So if your 2 rounds in and someone dies here's how you can save a wipe. One of the bubble Bros becomes platform 3. That way they can drop their bubble and still get on the platform on time. Adjust the whole group accordingly whoever has the highest ToM should stay in the middle. [b][i][u]JUST A FEW GENERAL TIPS[/u][/i][/b] Also if your in a group and you have no tethers and you happen to be a warlock... go void walker with bloom obsidian mind and shatter or vortex. Have fun because you will be bombing EVERYTHING. Seriously some of the most fun I've had in a boss fight in a while ;) Overall try to stay loose if you've had a couple hard wipes take a 5 minute break, take a piss make a drink, grab a smoke. Then come back to it. 2 groups did this then we 1 shot it the next try. Regarding bubble positioning I've been on top and bottom (gigiity gigity) didn't really notice too much of a difference. Top has better protection from adds and is much easier to locate 4th knight and you can 1 shot with wol sniper. But some classes have a hard time making the jump and you have to coordinate dropping down to meet the aura runner. Overall I'd just go with what people are comfortable with. [b][i][u]THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT [/u][/i][/b] After detonating your bombs [b]SHOOT ORYX IN THE CHEST[/b]otherwise the bombs may not count. If I missed anything feel free to comment below and point it out good luck guardians!!

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              • It's impossible to find food people.

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                • [url=]DON'T CLICK THIS.[/url]

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                  • It's possible. It's just hard to find a competent team.

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                  • Edited by crow: 1/9/2016 6:08:54 AM
                    If people have done it, then it can't be impossible. [spoiler]Is this game the only thing you do?[/spoiler]

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                  • This is actually pretty nice b8

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                  • Impossible???... I've done it 5-6 times

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                    • Bad b8 dude

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                      • I am still dumbstruck that people have trouble killing their own one red knight. Seriously? Two sniper shots and its dead. After that wait for the runner to say "done" jump to the platform with your bubbles and help with the last knight. Then when Oryx slams jump to the bottom with the relic runner. Its not hard.

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                        • Gr8 b8 m8 r8 0/8

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                        • Edited by iPROCombat: 1/9/2016 5:33:07 AM
                          Yup it's funny how it seems Titans are 100% necessary. Like damn kill your damn ogre yourself. It's useful as duck I will admit doe. [spoiler]people are falling for this like crazy[/spoiler]

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                        • Edited by CaptainITG: 1/9/2016 5:26:07 AM
                          I don't wanna say Titans are a crutch, but it really helps to have 2 Titans. If you're on ps4 I can help you bro, I find it a bit easier than non challenge mode

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                        • I see the best runs with two titans two Hunter's and two warlocks I'm on PS4 and Xbox One the only problem on XboxOne is I'm 290 need to raid but no body wants to easy raid

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                        • Damn bro STILL catching bait. GG

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                          • Did it like 40 times. Git gud nub

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                            • Just beat it, not impossible

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                            • Done it 5 times still need to do one add me up homie it's a cake walk with the right people

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