Episode 11:The dialogue only episode
Hey everyone! Jcaf here, and i have a lil poll for y'all. Jason is rockets character and I would like to think of what you think of em, and get some feedback. thanks!
He will be here for a couple takes, more or less depending on feedback. Just sick back and enjoy.
[spoiler]I am trying the third person narrative a bit more, switching between perspective a bit.[/spoiler]
"And then... She said this thing in fallen nice and quiet, being really charming, and... Heheh.... The captain just screamed again!"
Beta and Jason burst in laughter at the New Monarchy lounge, where executive Hideo looked at them confused, but soon shrugged and went back to his work.
"And then what happened?" Jason asked still laughing, enjoying the humiliating story of Azalea's mishaps.
"She walked toward him and got a face full of shrapnel!l
Beta proclaimed and they once again laughed, a very pissed off Azalea sitting across from them, sharpening an arrow.
"If it's so easy how about you go speak to them?"
Azalea gave a weak comeback.
"I don't talk to em, I shoot em squishy."
Beta, now practically drunk on humor, told Azalea.
"Don't. Call. Me. Squishy."
Azalea, now snapping her arrow in half, gave the exo a glare. Unfortunately for her she wasn't able to really scare him, seeing as he weighed 700 more pounds than her small self compared to a man of Metal. "Especially when you are that big pile of panicking steel yourself."
"Whoa whoa," Beta stopped her, "for one thing, I was a perfect 180 when I was human... Hey, I just remembered something!" The Exo, now squealing like a girl, remembered another small thing about his past. After his small moment though, he realized he still had to correct Azalea. "And it's [b]NOT[/b] that I panic my super, it's called [i]rushing with style[/i] missy." Beta said, a bit embarrassed.
"So uncivilized.... So Jason!" Azalea changed the topic back "Thanks for saving the big guy back there, I wasn't able to do it like usual."
"No problem! Wait, Beta, what are you remembering? And you were human???" Jason questioned.
Beta and Azalea just looked at each other, not sure what to say. Beta just responded: "long story."
"Okay. Well... I have to report the Zavala. I'll catch you guys later? We can meet up in the reef, I gotta go there in a bit. Can you guys meet me there?"
Jason said goodbye and shook hands with his new friends.
"Uh... Should we go?"
Beta asked Azalea.
"Why not? He saved your ass last time, why not hang around with him for a bit."
"Well, okay. It was just weird that he left so sudden, you know?"
"I just think your paranoid Beta."
And with that Beta stopped talking, knowing she was right. He was just conscious of everyone ever since the incident with that hunter.
Beta walked to his quarters, and lied down. He just needed a break.