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1/1/2016 5:01:44 PM

Just did my War Priest Hard and didn't get anything

This is the first time of done the hard mode raid this week and didn't get anything from the War Priest and it makes me mad, I would've been happy with even moldering shards, but I didn't get those either. Please fix this because now it counts as a War Priest completion and I now miss out on my loot drop, which I needed.

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  • Thank you everyone for telling me this I had no clue that you could not get anything from the raid, now I know they really are a waste of time.

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  • There is a chance of (null) I rng hard mode raid. Meaning you get no reward. My first hard mode raid resulted in no drops on EVERY boss. Took a four week break after that for my own sanity.

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  • Sucka!! I only do challenge mode now rest of raid is a waste of time now 12 runs of either lower drops or ZERO I got 4 320 drops from srl and more exotics than in all of my hard Mode runs

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    That's normal on hard mode I do it every week 3 times and 90% of the time I get nothing unless it is challenge mode.

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  • Porkchop thats not how it works, you get loot from both normal and hard thats how its always been unless they just changed it this week, because I did the same thing last week and got all my loot. I think that its messed up because when you do the raid on normal you get that gear then when you do it on hard you get that gear, you are supposed to be able to do both versions of the raid in the same week just like with Crota and Vault of Glass.

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  • Because you already did the raid on normal this week. That means that you would have only gotten moldering shards from the boss. You can get normal mode loot from hard.

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  • I had the same this week al the way up to the sisters

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