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Edited by Guardian1121: 1/1/2016 1:11:37 AM

So huntards nerfd sunbreakers, now they want to nerf Stormtrance? And not only that they bitch and moan about twilight garrison

As a Titan main I really wasn't affected by the sunbro nerf since I main a striker role. That said I have used Stormtrance when I play as my warlock but prefer nova bomb. It jus amuses me that now the huntards now want a nerf on stormcallers, and want their purple derple helm to give em shadestep cuz Titans can evade now with twilight garrison equipped. It truly is amusing really how they say they want balance yet they nerf or are the reasons things are nerfd. If anything nightstalker should receive a nerf. Remove quiver, since having three arrows is quite ridiculous. Make their stun/smoke grenade use up their grenade slot instead of having two. And lastly make shadestep have a cool down of 5 seconds in between uses [b]edit[/b]: so many retards crying over how I supposedly bitched about the sunbreaker nerf which I'm did not hahaha xD is everyone on here stupid, illiterate, or both [b]edit 2[/b]: boy many of you simply can't read, majority of the responses I'm reading are implying I'm "butthurt" about the sunbro nerf. Ha! What a bunch of morons. [b]edit 3[/b]: wow haha xD it really amuses me to see all these salty posts. As it stands all of you have illustrated my point. When huntards (there's a difference between hunters and huntards) cry nerf they're justified but when someone calls nerf on them (which I really don't care if there is one) that someone is mentally challenged haha xD bravo you incompetent swine, you've certainly have made my day :D

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  • Edited by bojangin: 1/1/2016 1:54:34 AM
    I mained a hunter for year one. Now I have no main and use most equally. I disagree with graviton granting shade step to all classes. Twilight garrison grants a unique perk so that's cool on it's own. Range on stormcaller is a bit much and I had an easier time killing sunbros than arc warlocks. Srs. Not complaining though Class wars are -blam!-ing stupid. Grow up. No one is a special snowflake Edit: I'm all down for faction wars though. Dead orbit is best orbit. The angry red guy should be thrown off the tower and the rainbow guys are just weird

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