As a Titan main I really wasn't affected by the sunbro nerf since I main a striker role. That said I have used Stormtrance when I play as my warlock but prefer nova bomb.
It jus amuses me that now the huntards now want a nerf on stormcallers, and want their purple derple helm to give em shadestep cuz Titans can evade now with twilight garrison equipped.
It truly is amusing really how they say they want balance yet they nerf or are the reasons things are nerfd. If anything nightstalker should receive a nerf.
Remove quiver, since having three arrows is quite ridiculous.
Make their stun/smoke grenade use up their grenade slot instead of having two.
And lastly make shadestep have a cool down of 5 seconds in between uses
[b]edit[/b]: so many retards crying over how I supposedly bitched about the sunbreaker nerf which I'm did not hahaha xD is everyone on here stupid, illiterate, or both
[b]edit 2[/b]: boy many of you simply can't read, majority of the responses I'm reading are implying I'm "butthurt" about the sunbro nerf. Ha! What a bunch of morons.
[b]edit 3[/b]: wow haha xD it really amuses me to see all these salty posts. As it stands all of you have illustrated my point. When huntards (there's a difference between hunters and huntards) cry nerf they're justified but when someone calls nerf on them (which I really don't care if there is one) that someone is mentally challenged haha xD bravo you incompetent swine, you've certainly have made my day :D
I've hardly seen any "Nerf Stormcaller" posts. The few I have seen were made by a couple angry Crytans and some foolish Huntards. Legit Titan and Hunters want buffs! Real talk.
I've not seen any hunters complain about Stoarmtrance. It's Titans who was jealous that their super was nerfed, turned to the closest thing and went "they're similar to us. Why didn't they get nerfed?" And then they blame the [u]hunters[/u] (the correct term. You're welcome) . Not a big issue but really, it's most likely no more than 30% of the hunters complaining (others are just Titans and non-Stoarmtrance warlocks)...
It would be appreciated if you didn't generalize all hunters as whiners, many people wanted a sunbreaker nerf including Titan mains (I do agree it was over nerfed) I don't really have a problem with storm trance and those who do are equally made up of Titans and hunters. And twilight garrison is fine, we get shadestep. Warlocks and hunters both want nerfs for that (I don't think it does)
So y does stormcaller need a nerf agin ?
Lol link some posts about some hunters bitching bout storm callers and twilight and I'll believe you. I see Titans still bitch about golden gun, smoke grenades, and for gods -blam!-ing sake tether. If anything you're bitching a whole lot more than others.
This post makes me believe you're a fedora wearing fuc[i][/i]kboy.
I have main'd a titan since the beta. I still play sunbreaker from time to time. It's still solid, it was a little over nerfed but it's still useable. Don't blame classes for getting stuff nerfed. There are morons behind the controller. Remember that.
As someone that has had a hunter since the beta, I will say this. It's not just Hunters. I'm pretty sure there are a few Titans, and maybe even warlocks, that complain about those things. The only thing over powered about stormcaller, in my opinion, is the amount of time you get to slaughter everyone. Twilight Garrison, to put it simply, is a "juke machine" of sorts. You can dodge almost anything, including supers, if you have this on. They really do need to add a cool down that you can do it for, if there isn't one already. However, I do play my Titan a generous amount. And as a Titan, I will say this- Garrison should be nerfed. Not to the point of unusability, but to where it's still useful.
You want something to go with that salt
Okay. You're being an ass. I main Defender Titan. No. I was not happy about the SB nerf. At all. But calling people Huntards and bitches is the same thing as them calling us Titans bad. So stop being a hypocrite. You're giving them a reason to hate us. And people like you are also what you see in those forum nerfers that are Hunter's. There's plenty of Hunter's that aren't assholes the same way that there are many Titans that aren't either. But you're being one of those right now. So pull your head out of your ass we have a wall to protect.
Ill never understand why people say "hunters want this" or "warlocks want that" when most people have 1 of each and crybabies aren't unique to 1 class type
This post is invalid and extremely sterotypical. This post is now about Cookies, what is your favorite type of cookie?
I haven't seen a single nerf stormtrance post yet and it's not even overpowered, it's literally bladedancer with better range and chaining capabilities but without health regen. If anything, arc blade needs fixing on the hit detection, the razors edge doesn't work half the time.
I like moaning female hunters
Honestly we all had a hand in the sunbreaker nerf including us Titans. Hunters and warlocks complained obviously but the Titans almost 100% playing as SB in crucible did it as well. Bungie wants balance
Bbiiiiiitttcchhhhhh niigggggaaaaaaa
Ill come back when you can spell right and stop naggin
[b]NERF[/b] huntards/warcocks/tartens !!!!!! Or I quit nerf em all!!!!
Op is salty.
As a hunter please don't nerf or buff anything I think the meta is as balanced as possible
This post is zzzzzzzzzz
Edited by Quarantane : 12/31/2015 10:37:26 PMRidiculous post is ridiculous. Stop complaining that hunters nerfed anything, bungie nerfed what they felt they needed to, they also buffed 2 titan subclasses as well. Why don't you go to bungie with complaints over nerfs, since they ate the ones who actually put them into effect
I've seen more titans being stupid than hunters or locks, but I guess it's okay because you'll pass your stupidity off by saying hunters did it first
Edited by D-Von, Kell of Tables: 12/31/2015 10:09:10 PMIf you used shadestep which I can see you havent, you would know shadestep has 2 charges each with a 5 second cooldown. So if you spam two shadesteps you have to wait around 5 seconds to do it again. Just a quick fact for yah. We dont get unlimited shadesteps all the time Oh also tether is fine in my opinion because it takes around 1 to 2 seconds to activate and with quiver a titan, warlock, or hunter can easily dodge due to the short as hell range of a basic tether over a black hole tether. Sure you can plant three but each has the same short range and around I believe a 4 to 5 second time of activation, which means you only get tethered for that long. And if you didnt realize already it got nerfed cause it no longer supresses a melee charge which in my opinion is bullshit since it is a super but whatever. You could of course say "oh but they can place traps" but once again the traps have a set duration
Muted and reported
You know I agree. And I main all three subclasses. The [i]fourm[/i] (not in game hunters) do nothing but cry most of the time.