originally posted in:Neo Punks
"There's a nice little bar down the street and a coffee shop next door?
"Sure let's go"
[b]She levitates you both down to street level[/b]
[b]she smiles[/b]
"So, bar or café?"
"Cafe but first let's head back to my place. I'm still covered in blood"
"Alright, you lead"
[b]she starts walking[/b]
[b]She follows, smiling[/b]
[b]we eventually arrive at the penthouse and she walks into the lobby and to the elevator[/b]
[b]She enters the elevator with you[/b]
[b]when the elevator reaches the top floor she steps out and walks to her room[/b]
[b]She follows you in, sitting on the bed[/b]
[b]she takes off her clothes and goes into the bathroom and washes off the rest of the blood then walks out and puts on a tight fit black T-shirt and jeans[/b]
"Ready?" [b]she asked, walking to the elevator [/b]
"Yep" [b]she tks a leather jacket out of her closet and puts it on[/b]
"Then let's go" [b]she says, getting in the elevator[/b]
[b]the elevator takes up down to the garage where there's a street motor cycle waiting[/b]
"That yours?"
"Yep" [b]she gets on the bike[/b]
[b]She gets in as welll[/b]
[b]she puts on a helmet and hands you one aswell[/b]
[b]She puts it on[/b]
[b]she puts in the keys and revs the motor[/b]
[b]She holds onto you tightly [/b]
[b]she speeds out of the garage and onto the street[/b]