originally posted in:Neo Punks
"Well... the skyline is a nice view but I like the view I'm looking at right now even more"
[b]She puts it on[/b]
[b]she puts in the keys and revs the motor[/b]
[b]She holds onto you tightly [/b]
[b]she speeds out of the garage and onto the street[/b]
[b]She holds on, hugging her from behind[/b]
[b]she pulls up and Parks the bike in front of the bar[/b]
[b]She holds the door for her[/b]
[b]she walks into the bar[/b]
[b]She orders a whiskey[/b]
[b]she orders the same[/b]
[b]They both recurve their drinks, and she takes a swig[/b]
[b]she takes a sip of her whiskey[/b]
"So, you mentioned a sister?"
"Yeah her name is Eva."
"How old?"
"She's 31"
"She's been rather distant recently"
"Aw, well, I'm sure she's fine"
"She's always been OK no matter what. So I'm not worried about her"
"Good, she sounds like a strong lady"
"She's the strongest person I know."
"Definitely sounds like it"
[b]she finishes her drink and orders another[/b]
[b]She does the same[/b]