originally posted in:Neo Punks
[b]A whoosh was heard behind you, and you turned to see the masked vigilante standing. He looked disgusted.[/b] [i]"You won't be harming any civilians today, ma'am."[/i]
[b]she lifts him off of the ground and pins him against the wall with tk[/b] "You again? What do you want?"
[i]"For you to see the errors of your ways."[/i] [b]His eyes stared deep into you. They were blue, piercing and cold. His voice was almost seductive to an extent.[/b] [i]"These people are innocent."[/i]
[b]she sighs and draws her trench knife while still holding him against the wall[/b]
[b]He continued staring at her.[/b] [i]"These people have families. Families that depend on them. Think of the children. Think of the widows and widowers you'll be making."[/i] [b]He said, holding her gaze.[/b]
[b]she walked over and pressed the tip of the knife against your sternum[/b]
[b]He gritted his teeth butt held your gaze. The tip of the knife broke through the plating that covered his built abs. He grimaced.[/b] [i]"You can hurt me all you want, but I won't stop."[/i] [b]He said through clenched teeth.[/b]
"Why do you persist? Why do you wish to change that which you have no control over?"
[i]"Because someone has to. Someone has to care."[/i] [b]He stared at you, his messy hair covering his eyes.[/b]
"Why would someone like you care about me?"
[b]He shook his head, smiling and chuckling.[/b] [i]"I feel the need to do so. An obligation. Seeing you asleep in that house, and to think I was worried."[/i]
"Thats it?"
[b]He nodded a bit too quickly.[/b] [i]"Yea.."[/i] [b]He gritted his teeth from the pressure of the knife on his sternum.[/b]
[b]she looks into your eyes and you can see the ferocious monster behind them[/b] "You waist your time with me...." [b]she puts the blade against your cheek and cuts you drawing blood.[/b]
[i]"I have plenty."[/i] [b]He said, grimacing. He turned away from the knife.[/b]
"Then why spend it on me?"
[b]He looked up at you, then away, sighing.[/b]
[b]she drops him and puts the knife to your throat[/b] "Answer the question"
[b]He put a hand up to the knife and pushed it away, gently.[/b] [i]"Someone has to care."[/i]
"I don't need anyone to care! I don't need anyone. I only need my sister"
Edited by The WORLD1897: 12/21/2015 2:41:16 AM[b]He made a mental note of this.[/b] [i]"Ok, just- think before you act..."[/i] [b]He stood up and turned to leave.[/b] [i]"Think of the people you hurt, and affect."[/i] [b]He ran a hand through his jet black hair.[/b]
[b]she is silent for a moment[/b] "Leave me alone!"
[b]He shook his head and walked to the edge of the building, before diving off. He disappeared completely.[/b]
[b]she rubs her temples and starts mumbling to herself[/b] "They don't understand, no one understands. They don't know they weren't there and they couldn't see they wouldn't know what it's like"
[b]He was hiding under the ledge and recording this. Undetected. He wondered what she was talking about.[/b]
[b]she leans against an air conditioning unit and buries her face in her hands and starts crying[/b]