[b] this is for fun but also for my fan fic under #SLE[/b]
Hey Y'all
Just post a character and you can be in an episode and perhaps forever!
I'll even let you write the opening take which I'll then edit. Just post here. State if you want to be in a take or not.
Also:I'll make an outline later:
Name of course:
Age(doesn't need to be pinpoint):
Would you like to be in a take:
If so, pick one of these:
-If winner, would you want to write it(preferred to let me see how you write and what they are like):
-If winner, would you want me to just use them:
-if winner, would you want to pick how they are introduced/ideas of the plot, but still not write it:
Some fun facts, be creative:
Optional link to an existing fanfic you've made:
Optional imgur if based on one of your guardians:
Appearance more in depth:
-Any special weapons?:
-Any special armor?:
Any friends, partners:
Fav race, lore, anything about the universe that they like(Vex time travel, the cabal themselves, etc.)
Pet peeves:
Rival(could be an enemy or another guardian!):
Faction(could be none, made up, etc)
NPC your guardian would pull an all nighter with:
Most "embarrassing" moment for your character:
Proudest moment for your guardian:
Any other info you'd like to share:
Episode 10-? Guest Winner:
Rocket! Congrats
Future take reserve winners, will get to be in one when I need one:
Edited by NukeHawk116: 12/22/2015 2:56:25 PMName: "Nuke" NukeHawk11-6 Gender: male Class: Hunter, Gunslinger Age: questionable Race: Exo Do I want to be in a take: yes Fun fact: right leg was blown off and replaced with a leg from a hobgoblin, modified his golden gun quite heavily. Personality: sarcastic, reckless at times Appearance: aclyophage symbiote, kellhunter's rally, fear eater chest and legs. Weapons: fatebringer, patience and time, The fear with tri-pod and tracking Friends or partners: my titan and warlock (usually only meet over comms) Fav race: vex anything to do with them. Pet-peeves: stereotypes and being a general annoyance Rival: the cerberus (three headed vex destroyer... Thing) Worst moments: thinking he could fly Best moment: punting a colossus into an orbit around saturn...