I've played with guys on Destiny who have really good stats from sniping and playing the maps to their advantage. The second we switch over to Battlefield 4 they get their butts handed to them, like 8 kills 30 deaths. I'm the exact opposite, I tend to be average or a little below average at destiny but I have great stats and skill level in battlefield 4. Half of my saved clips are 2-5 multi-kills in battlefield. The games are just very different, apparently in the future of the world according to destiny, absolutely no advances have been made to weapons. Guardians don't even have tanks... We also have free interstellar flight in which we are never engaged by an intergalactic enemy force. The only thing that seems to be advanced in the slightest is that sniper rifles can defy physics.
Edited by Sixclicks: 12/21/2015 1:00:08 AMI do just as well or better in all games I play. I've been doing aggressive sniping since Battlefield 2 back in 2005. Also, this is just a b8 post if you actually read it.
I read it, still just answering the initial part. Regardless of what he says, he had the initial idea to really post that as a thought.
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