Everyone can follow the link to view the full patch notes on Bungie.net.
Update 2.1.0 was promising. It was going to fix glitches, finally nerf sunbreaker and introduce the Sparrow Racing League, a mode we've been asking for since vanilla. It released on December 8th and we were horrified at the results.
[b]Sunbreaker:[/b] Sunbreaker was blatantly overpowered pre-patch, every rational person will admit that. I main a Titan and I use Sunbreaker in PvP so I would know. Not only did they nerf the armor by 9.09% which was the one thing it needed, but Bungie also felt like they needed to reduce the hammer's AOE damage by 20%, Explosive Pyre's effectiveness by an unknown percent, the travel speed by 1.32%, Sunstrike's DOT from 6.5s to 5.5s, tracking by 25% and the cauterize perk, subsequently giving it a 3 second cooldown. The last thing here was a good addition so I'm not criticizing Bungie's choice on cauterize. However, everything in between was not needed and has led to Sunbreaker being essentially gutted. It's still viable but it's not that good anymore and I consider it borderline underpowered, along with every other Titan subclass. We are now back to where we started in the world of Destiny, the underdogs, the skill class, the class that is the hardest to do well with and because of that, where Hunters and Warlocks dominate yet again with abilities far more overpowered than Sunbreaker's.
[b]Matchmaking: [/b] It's not in the patch notes but when I play PvP, I can tell something was done to the matchmaking. It's laggier and it's much harder to win. Bungie seems to have replaced connection based matchmaking with skill based matchmaking, subsequently making Crucible much laggier as we're connecting to people further away but are more on par with us in terms of skill. Whether this was deliberate or a glitch I don't know but if you play PvP enough, you'll see something was done. In one week, I was matched with Ms5oooWatts, mtashed (both of whom I beat into the ground) and several other lesser known guys who held 2+ K/D's. Skirmish is officially as difficult to win in as Trials is and that's not a good thing as many people do strongly believe regular PvP should be more casual than Trials or Iron Banner.
[b]Gun Balance:[/b] This isn't nearly as much of a problem as the last two are but it still is a negative aspect of this update. Shotguns were yet again nerfed heavily. The changes leading to ruining the fast rate of fire and low impact shotguns, but leaving high impact and low rate of fire shotguns intact. Auto Rifles were barely even touched, leaving most of them in a spot where they are viable but not great weapons. Pulse Rifles were also nerfed heavily, destroying low ROF pulses and severely weakening mid ROF pulses. As of late, Last Word and 1000 yard combos are the meta, leaving Crucible in ruin. What would fix this would be a significant reduction in aim assist across all weapons, particularly sniper rifles.
In conclusion, PvP has been destroyed by the latest update. Sure there were some positive fixes like heavy ammo being relocated on maps such as Asylum and player spawn points being improved but these weren't enough to make PvP better. Until Bungie fixes PvP again and undoes the supposed matchmaking changes, Crucible will remain a broken, unplayable mess.
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