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Edited by Jcaf8: 12/20/2015 4:27:58 PM

SLE episode 8

SLE episode 8 "And... You see these people any time you black out?" Azalea questioned "No, I see them any time I have a flash of memory. Do other guardians have these? It's so annoying to know I have a past, to know all of these things like how to speak and how to do math but not remember my own wife and child I've seen." "Well I've never heard of any of that, Beta. I'm sorry." Based off the frown she was wearing she really was empathetic for me. I sat up. "Maybe we should do those patrols. I'd love to get back and here what that di-..... I mean commander Zavala would think when he hears guardians found Quariks corpse along with his armor singed from my punch." I both offered and boasted about my moment of triumph. "Yes you must be realllllll tough guy robot. Beta doesn't even sound that tough. Do you remember your old name? At all?" Azalea punched me in the gut, and thanks to the good guys who made the Exo's still had nerves underneath the metal skin and robot brain. As I doubled down reacting to the hit, I answered the question happily. "Well.... No. Not at all. I feel that I did when I first woke up but not anymore" "Well that sucks Beta. Darwin?" A small silver ghost popped up above Azalea's shoulder. "Yes? Do you need any assistance? Ship transfer? A door to open? Would you like to discuss more about those fallen you-" "Let's not talk about those! Haha, ship transfer please? And bring my friend here as well" The girls face reddened to the point of a strawberry. They both dissipated and were sent into the Hunters ship, a little dirty but very cool looking nonetheless. "So where are we heading off to?" "Hmm.... Venus is fun." Azalea said with a menacing smile, as they dipped down into hyperspace. They landed unfortunately next to a walker the size of an airplane. "This'll be fun." Azalea announced as she sprung up and pulled out a bow of void energy. [b]To be continued on take 9, the last one Before the guest guardian[/b]

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